Have you ever been in the audience of a talk show like jeremy kyle.?!

Question: Have you ever been in the audience of a talk show like jeremy kyle!.!?
what was it likeWww@Enter-QA@Com

I haven't, but my sister was in the Audience of the last Trisha show that was filmed a few months ago!. The studios on those shows are tiny!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Not that one, but I have been in the audience of Phil Donahue and asked a question!. They ask you ahead of time what your question will be and the lights are hot!. There was also a talk show from a husband and wife!.!.!.!.the Turners that was out of Detroit and I was on that show too and asked a question when Barbara Feldon was on!. She once played the $64,000 question and I wanted to know if it was rigged as she won but got no real response!. The Phil Donahue's show was about Twins or multiples and I went with friends that also belonged to our twins club and most of us asked a question or gave advice on mothers of multiples!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I havn't as I live on the other side of the world!. But, it is on at lunchtime here and I'm addicted to it!. I think he's great and he dosent't mince his words ~ he just tell's it how it is!! hope they don't take it off!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

i dont knowWww@Enter-QA@Com

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