Doctor Who: Care to speculate?!

Question: Doctor Who: Care to speculate!?
I was flicking through the most recent issue of DWM (next one is out tomorrow, wahey!) and there were some interesting questions posed that asked about some loose ends within the series so far!. What are your opinions on the following:
1) What do you think the Shadow Proclamation is!? It has been mentioned a good few times throughout Series 4 and in previous series I think!.
2) Lucius in "The Fires of Pompeii" said that Donna had something on her back!. What do you think that could be!?
3) What is the "Medusa Cascade"!?
4) The bees are disappearing, significant in the last 3 episodes!?
5) What do you reckon Donna's fate is!? We know Catherine Tate is not going to be continuing as the Doctor's companion!.
6) The Daleks are returning, but there was only left in Series 3!. Where have the others come from!?

So, what do you reckon!? Feel free to be very, very imaginative!Www@Enter-QA@Com

1!. The Shadow proclamation!. I think it's some kind of treaty put in place by various species who were affected by, but survived the Time War, but there will probably be more to it than that!. From what was said in "Partners in Crime" and what happened in "Smith and Jones", the Judoon may be involved in enforcing it!.

2!. Donna having something on her back - I previously thought it could have something to do with the spiders of Metebelis 3, as mentioned by Courtney, but that wouldn't really fit in with the new series!. So what spider like creatures have we seen in the new series!? I would hazard a guess that it might have something to do with the Racnoss!. Perhaps the Empress of the Racnoss planted something on Donna during "The Runaway Bride", which has somehow been influencing her actions without her knowing!. Might explain why she was so determined to find the Doctor again, after deciding not to go with him in the first place!.

3!. The Medusa Cascade obviously has something to do with the Time War, and something in the Doctor's past!. It has been hinted at since new series 1 began, that the Doctor was responsible for the Time Lords destruction as well as the Daleka!. So perhaps he was forced to sacrifice his own people to end the war and destroy the Daleks, and the Medusa Cascade is where it happened!.

4!. Could just be a bit of a red herring, since bee populations are actually diminishing in reality!. Just be a reference to that perhaps!.

5!. I know exactly what happens to Donna in the end, since I read a spoiler for the penultimate scene of the finale featuring the Doctor and Wilf (from a pretty reliable source - not the usual rubbish one who's claims some people fall for)!. I won't repeat it here so as not to spoil it for others!. I'll just say that in one way it's a happy ending and in another way it isn't!.

6!. I can answer this one in one word - Davros!.
I'm absolutely certain that was him shrouded in shadow in last Saturday's trailer!. He is perfectly capable of creating a whole new race of Daleks from whatever life forms are handy at the time!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

If you remember the scene at the end of the 3rd season of the masters ring being picked up!? I believe donna has something to do with this!.Maybe she is being controlled somehow by the master!? The bee thing is interesting,not really sure what to make of that!.I think this season of Dr!.Who has been the best so far for keeping people guessing! I personally think Tennant is leaving at the end and this has been kept a MAJOR secret!.Remember the ood saying that "His song must end soon!.!."!.Hmmmm regeneration on the cards!.!.!. And how the hell does Rose come back!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

I can only speculate that if the Daleks are returning and Rose can step through then they might be coming from a parallel universe!. Only the next show will tell!.

I'm surprised at how much I like Donna!. There was such a hoopla in the UK over having Catherine Tate play her!. I can see a bit of CT's comedy characters coming through, but it's not OTT!. She's very good and I rather like a companion who is spunky and not enamored with the Doctor!. It's refreshing!. She keeps him on his toes!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Okay you got me!. I am going to have to start watching the new Dr!. Who, I am old school Dr!. who!. These questions are getting so interesting! Damn! I wish I had the answers!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i know who's behind this; bad wolf period!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Doctor Who sucks willy :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

* A law put in place for the galaxy, or even a couple hundred planets!. Well!.!.!.!. that's obvious!.!.!. but I don't know exactly what it could be!. Maybe a law that everyone has to abide by or else they are put to death!?!?
* I have no clue!. In one of my questions SpacePhantom said it could be a spider from the classic series that attatched it's self to people and controlled their minds
* I know The Master mentioned it, but I have no idea
* There were bees in the last episode, but I don't think that was the big secret!. I think there is still more to come from that
* I'm guessing she dies!. There could be a million different ways she could die, but maybe she will!. I don't think she will be like Martha and say she doesn't want to travel anymore!.
* They were survivors of the time war!. Or maybe (this is stretching it) they have found a way to reproduce or the last Dalek can create other DaleksWww@Enter-QA@Com

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