General Hospital> Sonny - vs - Jason?!

Question: General Hospital> Sonny - vs - Jason!?
How long do you think it will take Sonny to take The Business back !?!?!?
Do you think he will change his mind after handing (or signing ) it over to Jason,,,he seems to be getting NO respect anymore and I just cant see him sitting around drinking coffee all day,,with no power,,,,, Whats your thoughts!?

also whats your thought about Lu Lu and all this butting in everyones business!?!? Has she always been this way!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

I give him two weeks, at most, before he's back in charge!. He's a power-hungry little pissant and he can't stand the thought of not being able to scare everyone into submission!. I think Jason will resist at first, but ultimately he'll bend over and go back to being Sonny's b-tch because that's just the way it always is, always has been and always will be!. Nothing on this show ever changes for long!.

Lulu was actually a really cool misfit teen type when she first came on!. After the whole abortion storyline, though, she turned into the nosy, entitled little brat we all know and loathe!. I'm really hoping that she'll turn out to be a plant by Helena, who kidnapped the real Lulu and has been holding her hostage all this time!. No way is that smug little princess Luke and Laura's real daughter!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I can't see Sonny living the civilian life forever either!. He's just not cut out to be an every, hardworking, regular citizen!. He's too power hungry and egotistical to stay in this life forever!. At the same time, he did give up his kids and buisness to prove that he's not a danger to his kids, and I know what's happened to Michael is weighing on him heavily!. I would say he'll lead this life until after the New Year!. After that, he'll be looking for a change and want his old life back!.

Lulu is always going around acting this way!. That's why she's so annoying!. She's forever telling people to mind their own buisness when it comes to her life, but she can't mind her own buisness when it comes to others!. Her role model is Carly, the queen of butting in, so what do you expect really!? LOL!. She's a graduate of Carly's school of chaos and dysfunction!. However, unlike Carly,who can back up her mouth, Lulu is all talk!. I wish she'd act more like her witty, savy dad or her kind hearted mother!. Being a mini-Carly-wannabe doesn't do her justice!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sonny has me baffled at the moment!. He signed the papers for his boys, but not his daughter!. and what good is the paperwork anyway,
The MOB already knows who his children are, and as Jason put it, "You don't ever leave the mob!."!.
I loved the scene where Sonny joins Kate's business meeting and pressures the guy she is negotiating with "mob style", ,LOL he can't help himself!.
She was a feisty, rebellious teen when she came to town, and, yeah, Lulu, was going to Carly for advice,,,Luke was never around,,,Tracy Quartermane was treating her like dirt!.!.
I see Lulu being in that stage where you think you know everything, and it takes years to find out you know nothing !

She has to fall and get up a lot before she starts figuring things outWww@Enter-QA@Com

He already misses the business!. But, I don't think that Jason will hand the business over to Sonny, if anything, he will just leave to mob, without handing it over to him, and basically end their organization!.

I hate Lulu, she can't jump in and tell Nikolas he can't date a crazy mob girl, when she's dating a crazy mob boy, who jumps off of buildings for fun, and shot at someone in front of her!. Lulu needs to shut the freak up!!!!! I hate that stupid little egg-head!!!! :(Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think he will change his mind!. I mean did ya see the look on his face when the bookie told him his opinion doesnt matter! He didnt much like Jason telling him how it was either! Sonny was the mob and I am sure will be again, that is the whole point of his character!. I dont think he really knows any other life and would be lost! Lulu needs to shut up if she wants to stay alive!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I don't think it will take long for Sonny to want to get his power back!. I didn't like how mean he was to Spinelli today, calling him a "freak"!.!.!.!. He can't handle not being in control of everything!.

Lulu is VERY annoying and needs to mind her own business!. Her and Johnny are being hypocrites!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think Jas will be in charge for a little while longer, but before you know it Sonny will be back in charge!. The mob is apart of him, he needs to have power!. He has to be in control of something!.

*I was also upset about the way he treated Spin!.

Oh yeah!.!.!.!.and that d@mn Srewlu don't never know when to SHUT UP! Somebody just need to punch her in it 1 good time!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm a Corinthos girl, all the way!. I think Sonny is definitley missing the pull he had in the "underworld" if not just for things like protecting Mike!. Hes still pretty intimidating!.!.!.I hope he stays out!.
And what about that HOT desk sex with Kate!?
As for Lulu, they should get rid of her! Can't stand her! She sure does cover a lot of ground running all over P!.C!. butting into other peoples affairs!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Lol Miss Monk good question this think with Jason Vs Sonny w ill be interesting!.But will Jason give back Sonny his B now tha Micheal got shoot!?!?Lol &about Lulu lol I was with her on this1 about Claudia,cause knowing her and her grieving brother, she is just worry & care for her brother alots and for tha I admire her !.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hopefully not long! I don't like Jason having to run things! He'lll never get w Elizabeth this way!! :) Sonny doesn't seem to know what to do w himself! ANd Lulu is so annoying now! She's really turning into a mini mob wifey like Carly! puke!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sonny is already regretting his decision!. He should have known that he wasn't cut out for a normal life!.
NO I cant see him drinking coffee all day,Hes more of a go out and hit someone kind of guy!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sonny wil definetly be back, and Lulu will become the next Carly, and Micheal will awake a few yrs from now and replace SonnyWww@Enter-QA@Com

I think he'll change his mind very quickly!. Lulu is turning into another Maxie!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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