Opinions on Tyra Banks and her show?!

Question: Opinions on Tyra Banks and her show!?
Do you think she is self-Obsessed and Weight Obsessed !?

It seems like Tyra thinks she knows everything!. i watched her first season then every single episode was about Looks, weight and tyra herself!.!.

and am i the only one who cant stand her show anymore and has stopped watching it !?

i dunno!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Her show topics seem to target a much younger audience--I can't really relate to her!. I get a bigger laugh when I watch The Soup make fun of her!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I am so happy you asked this question, cause I really thought I was the only one who felt this way!. She is very self-absorbed, I had a baby boy(luckily) cause I really was gonna name my child if it had been a girl Tyra!. I am really peed off with her, she has taken what was suppose to be so positive and turned it into something I would say as a "black" woman is a disgrace!. She dwells on weight, skin color, and fashion, uh that sounds like everything about Tyra and what her career is based off of, and it seems she has no where else to go and no other show ideas, I am really tired of part 3,4, and 5 of her shows!. Yeah I really cant stand the woman I once admired so much, and put up there with Laila Ali and Queen Latifah!! NOT ANYMORE!! Thank you again 4 this !?Www@Enter-QA@Com

She's ridiculous, she thinks she knows everything, and gets mad at the guests for making mistakes!. She blinks 7000 times a second, and she acts like all guys have crushes on her!. She's also very vulgar, and loves talking about sex every chance she gets!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

She is pretty full of herself but I watch b/c I find her entertaining!. She means well but I have noticed that she thinks she knows everything!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Don't even get me started!.

She is WAY self absorbed, self centered, and totally diva!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

its actingWww@Enter-QA@Com

Is there anything she won't make her poor audience put on there shirts!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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