Uhmm a shot of love??!

Question: Uhmm a shot of love!?!?
ok soo i havent watched it on the net in ages since uhmm the bo fight when someone headbuted him after i think chad done that to bo what happen next 10points!?!? i live in australia soo i fught id watch it on the mtv siteWww@Enter-QA@Com

Actually Chad broke Bo's jaw, but he returns to the house and cant really participate in any of the challenges because of his injury so he now has a free ride!.

Seems to me its just like last year when Bobby was injured and she chose him!?!!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well chad headbutted him and then punched him!. They were pretty bad hit because his mouth was pouring out blood and he has a bad cut on his lip!. Then chad was taken out of the house by security and bo went to the hospital!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Um I can't tell you EXACTLY what happened, but now its down to Bo, Kristy, and Brittany!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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