Is David Tennant really regenerating or not!!!???!

Question: Is David Tennant really regenerating or not!!!!?!?!?
I have just watched the heart breaking episode that is "the stolen earth" and at the end we see the doctor regenerate!. (This upsets me, i think David is the best doctor they have ever had)

Though what puzzles me is that i have seen production photos of what appears to be David Tennant as the doctor in the next episode "Journeys End"!. I have also seen production photos of what appears to be David in the 2008 christmas special!. Or!.!.!.!.!. has this footage been scrapped and have they changed there minds on what the doctors future is!.!.!.!.!.!.!?!?

Please comment on my ideas and provide me with your views, Thank YouWww@Enter-QA@Com

Firstly I resent anyone using the term "sum Shakespeare crap" as it is in no way crap and I am actually going to see David in it!.

Secondly the hand of the doctor will be important in the next episode because throughout the Lost Earth there are pan shots and cuts to the hand in the filming, could it be that the hand sparks some sort of jolt in the regenerative abilities of the doctor!.

The Osterhagen Key will also be significant because it is mentioned too much to be forgotten about, in a related thought "Austragen" means give birth or deliver!.

I find the idea of two doctors hard to believe and of course some people are going to quote to me "The Three Doctors" and "The Five Doctors" but it seems like an even more unbelievable twist than usual!.

And lastly again just speculation but in the episode when the Doctor is burning The Master's body someone comes and takes The Masters ring (I seem to remember thinking it was the Master's wife but I could be wrong), could the ring be significant in some way!.


David Tennant definately going to be in 1-3 special episodes during the holidays of 2009/10 as this has been confirmed by the BBC and David himself!.

So its either up to 2 events!.!.!.

1!. David regenerates into another doctor, and then back 2 David when the 12th episode is over


2!. The Doctor finds a way to avoid regenerating and stays as he is atm!.

Hope this helped, and keep looking out for confirmation about David Tennant in season 5!.!.!. if u have conformation!.!.please email, bondjake14@yahoo!.co!.ukWww@Enter-QA@Com

david is staying through 2010- he gave an interview to the Radio Tmes in Feb- didn't anyone read it- ( I am in the usa and know about it LOL)

News Round-Up (Updated)
MiscellaneousFebruary 6, 2008 ? Posted By John Bowman

David Tennant reveals some of his forthcoming work schedule in the February 9-15 edition of Radio Times!. In a feature about the listings magazine's annual party for its cover stars, he says he will have all of May off and start rehearsing Hamlet for the RSC in June!. (NB: Tennant is also appearing in Love's Labour's Lost in October and November, although he doesn't make reference to that in the feature!.)

He appears in Hamlet from July until January 9, 2009 and says he will be back in Cardiff on January 10 to commence next year's Doctor Who specials, adding: "After that, I really don't know!. Nothing has been decided !. !. !. honestly!"Www@Enter-QA@Com

On the sycorax christmas special, the doctor lost his hand!. On "the stolen earth" this hand is seen briefly in its container on the floor of the tardis, so if david tenannt regenerates into a new doctor, then that new doctor may be able to use his previous incarnations hand to 'degenerate'!.!.!. who knows!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

i dont think he will regenerate he will start but because he has to hearts he will stop!. ive heard that next year there will be no doctor who but at the end of series 5 david regenerates into JOHN SIMM the previous masterWww@Enter-QA@Com

He can't regenerate because River Song in The Silence In The Library knew him in the future and if he regenerates then that story won't make sense!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

There is a spoiler on youtube - link should be attached, which shows Catherine Tate and David Tennant together in what looks like a re-creation of the Bay in which the Doctor said goodbye to Rose!. There is also a photo of Billie Piper there as well!. My guess is that they were filming Rose's return to her parallel universe!. So if Tennant was there with Tate, it must be that they are keeping him!. Hope this helps - I've been going crazy, and my wife is freaking out as well!. There is also a sneak preview of the last episode available out there (again youtube) which was shown on a British kids show which showed Sarah Jane still alive, but on a Dalek base ship!. Mickey (season 1 & 2) is there also, and possibly Rose's mother as well!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I've been browsing for the last two hours looking for any spoilers or ideas about the final episode and the regeneration, but the only thing that I have come across is the following SPOILER:

"The regeneration goes wrong and there are two Doctors which are both David Tennant!."

In my opinion, this spoiler seems plausible, and your idea of the lazer hitting one side of the body (which i noticed too) may have some reason as to why the second Doctor is generated (perhaps becuase only half of him was hurt!?!?)!.!.!.

There's a lot of room for thought and all sorts of plasible outcomes for the series finale, and even with suggestions of new doctors such as Johhny Depp ( in my opinion, no), Daniel Radcliffe (too young) and Robert Carlisle (hmmm!.!.!.)!.
Nevertheless, David Tennant himself has clearly said that he will leave at the end of 2009, so he IS sticking around for next year's specials, as he promised in his interviews!.

Or that could all be a big cover-up for a future Doctor - who knows!? You never can tell with Russell T-Davies or Stephen Moffat, or anyone related with the plots of Doctor Who!.!.!.

Good luck finding out, or waiting around!. Personally, i think the lazer hitting one side of him may affect the regeneration's outcome, but as with everything, we won't know until Saturday! :)

NOTE: this is mainly all speculation from other people's sites and opinions, though the basis of Tennant's arguement is from a Radio Times interview in March 2008!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It has been suggested that the first Doctor (William Hartnell) didn't actually regenerate, when he changed into the character as played by Patrick Troughton, but that he actually renewed/refreshed his body!. At that time, ill health was the actual reason why William Hartnell had to be replaced as he could no longer play the role effectively!. As the concept of 'renewing/refreshing' was accepted so well at the time by the viewing public, it was later renamed as regeneration by the BBC and has been used to replace the leading actor ever since! However, if David Tennant's Doctor is now renewing himself, and given that various quotes seem to confirm that Tennant IS to continue in the role - in the foreseeable future at least, then there's every possibility that he will still be with us next week! Maybe David's renewed Doctor will now speak in his native scottish tongue!? It also has to be realised that no matter highly tightly secured the identity of the new Doctor ever is, the correct name always leaks out! In this case there has been nothing other than somewhat muted speculation, which rather suggests that there is no substance to an impending change to the Doctor!. It also has to be remembered that The Doctor only regenerates when he is 'dies'!. As mentioned above, the First Doctor merely refreshed into the Second Doctor, which was followed by the Second Doctor being changed into the Third Doctor by the Gallifreyan High Council, as a part of his exile punishment to Earth!. Given that the regenerations from Jon Pertwee to Paul McGann were all due to the Doctor's demise, then the first two 'changes' could both arguably be non-regenerations! And we don't exactly know what lead up to Christopher Ecclestone's appearance, so the Doctor could still be 'due' up to three actual regenerations! AND to be completely geeky, the whole issue of changing the concept of 12 regenerations already has a prededent in the 'The Five Doctors', where The Master (Anthony Ainley) was offered a whole new series of 12 regenerations by President Borussa as a reward for saving the Doctor from Gallifrey's The Death Zone!! So, in short, David Tennant will still be with us!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I've watched it again (Sky+) and the Dalek laser passes through his chest and out the other side!. The whole ribcage lights up so both hearts are done for!. His legs and possibly head are intact!. He must be badly injured or he wouldn't be regenerating!. We've already seen partial regeneration once (his hand) so perhaps his chest can be regenerated thus keeping his head/brain/Tennant persona intact!?!?
Or do they use the TARDIS and project Indigo to mess with time again and stop the Dr being shot!? I know they're not supposed to alter history but this is the end of the world we're talking about here so anything goes!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I seriously hope not, Tennant has been the best Doctor I've seen since Birth, I've seen a few since I'm 24 obviously I never saw them all!. However!

This is the apparent cast list for the next show!.

Journey's End

As Davros and the Daleks threaten the entire universe, the Doctor's companions join forces!. But the prophecy declares that one of them will die!.!.!. [S]

The Doctor !.!.!.!.!.!. David Tennant
Donna Noble !.!.!.!.!.!. Catherine Tate
Rose Tyler !.!.!.!.!.!. Billie Piper
Martha Jones !.!.!.!.!.!. Freema Agyeman
Captain Jack Harkness !.!.!.!.!.!. John Barrowman
Sarah Jane Smith !.!.!.!.!.!. Elisabeth Sladen
Mickey Smith !.!.!.!.!.!. Noel Clarke
Jackie Tyler !.!.!.!.!.!. Camille Coduri
Luke Smith !.!.!.!.!.!. Thomas Knight
Gwen Cooper !.!.!.!.!.!. Eve Myles
Ianto Jones !.!.!.!.!.!. Gareth David-Lloyd
Wilfred Mott !.!.!.!.!.!. Bernard Cribbins
Sylvia Noble !.!.!.!.!.!. Jacqueline King
Francine Jones !.!.!.!.!.!. Adjoa Andoh
Davros !.!.!.!.!.!. Julian Bleach
German Woman !.!.!.!.!.!. Valda Aviks
Scared Woman !.!.!.!.!.!. Shobu Kapoor
Chinese Woman !.!.!.!.!.!. Elizabeth Tan
Liberian Man !.!.!.!.!.!. Michael Price
Dalek Voice !.!.!.!.!.!. Nicholas Briggs
Dalek Operators !.!.!.!.!.!. Barney Edwards, Nick Pegg, David Hankinson, Anthony Spargo
Voice of Mr Smith !.!.!.!.!.!. Alexander Armstrong


i was really confused to because on wikipedia it says that he will finish the forth season and then do sum shakespeare crap, then there he will be there to do 3 mini episodes then he will do the fith and final season but it was confusing on how that would happen because at the end of the stolen earth epiosde he started to regenerate so how can that be if theres another season with him in it !. just type in doctor who episodes and its under the tenth doctor!. also the sun say there axin the show which differs from what wikipedia saidWww@Enter-QA@Com

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