Can you remember?????!

Question: Can you remember!?!?!?!?!?
can you remember that show that used to be on the history channel when they recreated famous battle like 1066 using a computor game !?!? plz i cant rememberWww@Enter-QA@Com

Wasn't it on the BBC2!?!.!.!. Time Commanders!?

It was supposed to be educational but always deteriorated into loud bickering among the team members!
It challenged a team of four viewers/participants/gamers from different walks of life, (if I recall correctly) to a virtual re-enactment of different battles throughout time!.

Is this the show you were asking about!? (I'll look it up!.)

I found an episode reference!

Great question! I think this is the show you were talking about!. Hope it helps!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i think so!.
they used tiny blue vs red solders and tanks/artillery in 3D!. Very good graphics and it was as if they brought the Game "Stratego" ( http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Stratego ) to life!. the narrator (Grey hair gentleman) stood over the the live game and explained the situation!. I liked it!. the actual name of the TV show eludes me but i believe it was on the "International History Channel" which is the sister of the original History channel and i am almost sure that if you have the original channel !.!.then you also have the Sister!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

So Sorry I was also remembering for it some days before!. Sorry again!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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