Why the hell does no one stand up to Rex????????????!

Question: Why the hell does no one stand up to Rex!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
How is he getting away with it!? And why is Rachel only 'now' doubting his friendship to her!? He has bullied and humiliated her more than anyone from the beginning!. Do you think he is somehow jealous of her!? I noticed when he was watching Rachel's video of her parents he somehow looked jealous!. I wonder if he does not come from a very loving home like Rachel's parents obviously are!.!.homely, warm & pleasant!.

I just can't work him out!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Amazing isn't it he can do and say whatever he wants but on the up side he always ends up looking like a pratt!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Urgh i used to like him but hes made himself look like a prat!.

He does nothing but bully poor Rachel and put her down, if I was Nicole and that was my boyf spouting off i would have told him to find some manners and to stop being so pathetic!.

I hope the not so loving couple get evicted this week - they deserve eachother!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's probably because he's not used to being around women!. His dad is gay and has a man-friend, he has 2 brothers and is possibly a closet gay himself!.
He feels overwhelmed with all the women in the house and the only way he can gain control (like when he's in work ) is to bully Rachel knowing that she won't explode like Lisa did - he wouldn't have picked on Alex, would he !?Www@Enter-QA@Com

because they know they wont win standin up to him because hes always got something to say and hes just doing it for the tv i dont reckon hes really like that - doing it so people keep him in for entertainment because seriously without him in the house would else would you moan about!?!? exaclee!. lisa stood up to him, rachel just is like a little girl who is scared of everything!.!.!. i dont get her!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

All the money in the world wont buy what Racheals got, Integrity, decency, fairness and compassion!. Rex has got a rich daddy!.!.!.!.big deal what does that get you a drug problem and girlfriend who hates him!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

You are right about him not coming from a loving home - his father and mother got divorced and his father got a boyfriend because he is gay!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

no one needs to stand up to rex i just think he is being really funny and sarcastic get over it if you cant take his humour Www@Enter-QA@Com

me neither!
he comes across as an arrogant, big headed man, and actually i think he and his girlfriend deserve eachother! they are both as mardy and boring as eachother!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

He is just a bully and should be thrown out of the bb house

i'd stand up to him!.!.!.let me in there !.!.!.thats telly lolWww@Enter-QA@Com

He a chavWww@Enter-QA@Com

the shite will hit his fan when he comes out, there are more stories about his infidelity since nicole went in thereWww@Enter-QA@Com

i know, and why does he always wear that grey vest rag thing!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Rachael is the most fake housemate in the big brother house!. I hardly even noticed her until her audition tape was played to the other housemates, suddenly when she knew she has been caught out being fake in her audition tape she has suddenly come out of her shell!. She is trying to prove herself to be not the quiet mouse she was before!. Now she is being overly nice to everyone!. I was not a fan of Rex but without him saying things are everybody else is thinking and dare not say the house would be full of fake wannabes! At least Rex isn't in there just for the money lets be honest!

In addition to that- yes of course they all want the money im just saying that some of their agendas are different!. Some are being more fake than others!.
Lets see how fun the house will be if Rex goes shall we!. I mean we would be left with nicey nicey Rachael kissing everyones behinds, cookie love all round and each and everybody saying things behind each others back!. Rex is direct and makes good television, thats all im saying!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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