Who won the POV on BB10 and who is now nominated to be evicted?!

Question: Who won the POV on BB10 and who is now nominated to be evicted!?
Jerry complained about Dan for the majority of the show!. Michelle didn't seem to have much an appearance on tonights show!. Neither did Renny, Ollie (of course) or Memphis!.

Dan was worried that if Jerry won the Power of Veto, that he would take Keesha off and put Dan up!.

The Power of Veto competition - The players were to chop up onions and carry them in a small container across to two bins!. One for the Veto, the other for a Secret Prize!. April and Memphis won the two Secret Prizes!. Memphis has to wear an onion necklace for a week and April got five designer outfits!. Jerry won the Power of Veto by a few pounds and decided to keep the nominations the same!. Although he did give a completely inappropriate speech about it before hand!.

The guy is just proving that he is clueless about this game!. Best of luck to him!.

*Shakes head*Www@Enter-QA@Com

Jerry won the POV

Memphis won an onion necklace to wear for 24 hours

April won a new clothes

April, Keesha and Libra had a big fight

Libra told Ollie that Keesha was behind Jesse eviction
A huge fight broke out

Jerry made a odd speach about Dan
Jerry did not use the POV


Jerry won He didn't replace a nominee so libra and keesha are still on the block


Jerry won POV and he kept the nominations the same, so Keesha and Libra are still up for eviction =)Www@Enter-QA@Com

Jerry won POV and didn't use it!.!.!.Lib and Keesh still up!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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