Are you excited about the new season of Degrassi???!

Question: Are you excited about the new season of Degrassi!?!?!?
I've watched some previews!. I guess it's going to be October 5th and I can't wait! It looks like there are a lot of new highschool students along with the ones that didn't graduate yet like Peter (although I thought he was in the same class as Emma and Manny) and the girl with the baby!. Darcy won't be back 'cause she's starring in the new 90210 (which I'm also excited about)!. Thankfully, Manny and Emma will be in the new season! I'm worried about like Paige, Marco, and all of them!? Do you think they'll still be on the show!? I think they should really make it an hour long to incorporate new characters and stuff!. I saw a preview that looks like Peter may be gay! I am so excited, I love the show!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Omg! I know! I'm so excited, it looks like it'll be a great season, with the change to college and stuff!.!.!. But a boy in a girls dorm!? Peter being gay (I gasped)!? Anya getting caught buying condoms!? I'm liking it so far, but I think it's turning in to Lakehurst!.!.!. a lot of the characters there are taking over, and it looks like a new generation of Degrassi is in the midst!.!.!. I'm really hoping to see some of the earlier characters make cameos, and I'm hoping they change the style of the opening, too!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Although I'm excited about the new season and will be watching it i think that it won't do so well!. They've lost so many main characters and brought in so many new ones and i liked the old cast better then this new one!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

this season will be a disapointmentWww@Enter-QA@Com

I am I luv Degrassi!! it'z my favorite showWww@Enter-QA@Com

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