Instrumental Music from America's Got Talent?!

Question: Instrumental Music from America's Got Talent!?
This is going to be very vague and I apologize, but did anyone recognize the piece of music that was playing during the last montage of America's Got Talent tonight!? The piece in the background while they were giving one of the contestants another chance !.!.!. I know I have heard it in a few movies (I want to say a chick flick like Love Actually or something like that) as well but I just can't put my finger on it and its driving me crazy !.!.!.


You are correct! The song on last night's pathetic episode of America's Got Talent(!?) was Glasgow Love Theme by Craig Armstrong, which was featured in the chick flick, Love Actually!. You have a very good ear!.!.!.in fact, a much better ear than most of the contestants on the show last night!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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