How does Double Eviction work for BB10?!

Question: How does Double Eviction work for BB10!?
This is the first time that I've really gotten into Big Brother!.!.!.how does this double eviction thing that's coming up tomorrow work!? Do both Jim and Michelle go home or do they have another vote!? I want to know, I hate surprises!!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

1)First they will Evict either Michelle or Jerry(not Jim)
2)Second they do the HOH Competition and see who's win
3)Third, when the HOH is declared, he/she has to put up two
Houseguest for eviction on the same night!.
4)Then they do the POV Competition
5)And Whoever wins the POV can use it to take someone else off
the block!.
6)And after all of that, another person will be leaving the Big Brother
House along with either Michelle or Jerry!.
So it is like a full week of competitions on the same eviction day!.
I Hope you understood that

Well, the first eviction will be totally normal!. The houseguests will vote, then the person evicted will walk out!. Then either the houseguests will play for the HOH right away, or Julie will let them know about the double eviction!. These two things could happen in either order!. What happens next looks like a full week played in fast forward!. They will quickly have nominations, play for the veto, have the veto ceremony, then an eviction!.!.!. Again!.!.!. all within the same show!. Long story short, one houseguest currently nominated will walk out, then after the week in fast forward, another person will follow her at the end of the show!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

in the past shows!.!.!.!.

either jerry or michelle goes home (let's hope it's michelle)!.

then they basically put a weeks worth of shows into one hour!. they'll do hoh, nominations, pov and another eviction!.

however!.!.!.!.things change from season to season so they might shake it up a bit and have no pov!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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