The new MTV RW/RR challenge?!

Question: The new MTV RW/RR challenge!?
Does anybody know who is on the new Real World/Road Rules challenge The Island!?
I saw some of the regulars the usually show up for the challenges, but I didn't recognize some of the new people on there!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Here is the list of contestants:

Abram - RW South Pacific
Ashli - RW Sydney
Cohutta- RW Sydney
Colie - RW Denver
Dan - RR Viewers Revenge
Dave - RW Hollywood
Derrick - RR Extreme
Dunbar - RW Sydney
Evelyn - Fresh Meat
Jenn - RW Denver
Johanna - RW Austin
Johnny- RW Key West
Kelly Anne- RW Sydney
Kenny - Fresh Meat
Paula- RW Key West
Rachel- RR Campus Crawl
Robin - RW San Diego
Ryan - Fresh Meat
Tonya - RW Chicago
Tyrie- RW DenverWww@Enter-QA@Com

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