The Young and The Restless...?!

Question: The Young and The Restless!.!.!.!?
All my fellow fans, what are you most looking forward to happening on the show!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

See what Jack and Adam come up with!.
See if Brad can worm his way out of the situation he is in!.
See if Nick and Sharon really get back together!.
See if Summer is really Jack's child!.
See Colleen find a man beside Daniel and they both leave the show!.
Find out who actually father Chloe's baby!. I go with Billy Abbott aka Liam!.
Lily stay in school and get an education and GROW up some before she tries to walk down the aisle again!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It may be too late for Victor and Nikki, but I would like to see Nick and Victoria make up with Victor, and him forgiving them, without Adam in the picture!.

I would like Nick and Phyllis to finally have some alone time and have the nice honeymoon they didn't have when Nikki had her arrested, and for Sharon to just forget about getting back with Nick, divorce Jack's azz and have her hook up with Brad - they deserve each other!.

Better yet, have Sharon leave the show!. All she does is whine, pout and *****!.

I would like to see Ashley and Abby return and have the Abbotts become whole, like the Newmans!.

I would like to see Cane and Chloe get married, and Lily to be in a relationship withsomeone of her own age - if she's mature enough to handle it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

What I am looking forward to in no particular order!.!.!.

1!. Adam & Chloe's butts being dragged out of Genoa City for good!.

2!. Gloria finally getting caught for tampering with the face cream!.

3!. Victor coming out from hiding and being his old self again and for all the Newman's to forgive each other and get together as a family again!.

4!. Ashley returning so she can bring Victor back to reality and knock some sense into Jack's head!.

5!. The Abbott's again owning Jabot and once and for all without Gloria and not just Jack that runs the company, but the rest of the Abbott's too!.

6!. Finding out who is Summer's real Dad is, Jack or Nick!.

7!. The truth about Chloe's baby to come out so Cane & Lilly can get back together!.

8!. Sharon marrying someone she really loves this time, but not Nick so she will leave him & Phyllis alone!.

9!. Daniel and Amber to get back together and stay together, and for Colleen to go fly a kite and never come back!.

10!. For Paul, Victor, Nikki, Heather & Kay to find someone that truly makes them happy and that they stay together!.


I hope the baby proves to be neither cains or billy's!.
phillis losing her grip on nick and finding out summer is not nicks but jacks,
slutty colleen getting dumped by daniel!.
amber showing up at daniels art show with liam, and treating daniel like he has treated her!.
lilly finding out neil is her dad after all!.
brad and adam start their own company, and I think brad and sharon should hook up leaving smiling jack to get back with baby's mamma phyliss, victoria and JT start having problems about reed and work!.
victor starts a search for drucilla for neil, tyra and anna move to alaska only to be heard of by phone, olivia comes back with nate and he is not kadeem from a different world,gloria and jeffery do help jack get jabot back and they keep their own conflict going, ashley brings abbey back and victor asks for her to live with him, colleen is branded the slut of the town, she looks like a pig in lipstick!. chloe is a imposter and is really sheila carter and really not pregnant, she lost the baby but keeps pretending, noah gets a girlfriend and becomes trouble, micheal and lauren go through a test as mikey dad is causing trouble, mikey has some other siblings who will be hippies and cause problems for the baldwins, miguel wil return to help victor,sabrina wil tell victor in a dream to forgive nikki and move on!. lily does move on leaving cane to bond with chloe only he does not!. colleen is removed from the show,tiny comes back and claims chloe is a con artist, cause she had been living with him and plotting!.leanna love comes back and writes a book about genoa city,adrian hooks up with ashley, adam and heather wreck havoc on the lives of all involved, lynn comes back with pauls mom and she and paul finally have a relationship, and at last colleen takes a job in new york as a top stripper and lives with tracy her mom!.daniel's real dad comes to find his child and meets daniel, his son and nick finds out what phyliss done switching dna and is a tramp!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Ohhhhh so much !.
Adam,,,cant wait to see if he leaves town and take that mole with him!.

The Gruesome Twosome ( Jeff & Gloria ) to see if they successfully can get Jabot from Katheryn > I think Jack deserves to have his family business back!.

Cane/Lily &Chloe ,,,,what's going to happen when the truth comes out

Daniel & Amber,,,,are they finished playing games like 10 year olds and act their ages !?!? ( I hope so ) cant stand him with Colleen!. She needs to get back with that professor of hers !!!

and last but not least Victor,,,,,when his he going to go back to his own self !?!?!? I hate the pity-pot he's on ( but for reason ) Sabrina should NOT have been in that car with David Chow (Adam should have lol )Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'd like to see Sabrina's twin show up!. It seems everyone else's has!.

Adam should be found dead, so that Heather has something else to do!.

Chloe's still gonna make Jill a grandma!.!.!.!. just with her other son, that is!.

Brad and Sharon need to get together!. Jack's an @$$!. Then again, I don't like Sharon much, either!.

And I agree with Daniel and Amber being childish!. Get over it, and get back together!. You BELONG together!. Stupid heads!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I am looking forward to the truth coming out about Chloe and who the real father of the baby is and I am curious as to what is going to happen with Brad since he got arrested!. And, one more, seeing if Amber and Daniel are getting back together(I hope)!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I am looking forward to the Amber/Daniel/Liam/Colleen/Lily/Cane/Chlo!.!.!. I can't wait to Liam (aka BILLY ABBOTT) to come into town and mix both story lines up!. Ready to see Liam be an actual REAL person and I'm ready for Billy to mix the paternity case up! Www@Enter-QA@Com

Ashley returning! That is going to be such a great storyline, and she is going to add a lot of heat to Genoa City!. It's going to be an even better fall with her returning!

I hated when she left!.!.!.she is portrayed by such a good actress and I am uber excited!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well l'm definitely looking forward to see:
1!. What's Adam's, Jack's and Brad's next move!
2!. Billy's return and how he handle's Chloe's "pregnancy"! Www@Enter-QA@Com

Finding Chloe's baby daddy, Gloria getting caught for the face cream & being a skank with River, Amber & Daniel reuniting, Sharon & Nick getting back together & Cane & Lilly getting back together!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

cain and lilly getting back toghter and maybe somewhere down the line phyllis and nick have another baby look it how cute summer is!. also nicki and victor reconectingWww@Enter-QA@Com

Billy/Chloe!.!.!.her reaction when he comes to town, and the reaction of Cane when he finds out the truth about the baby
Summer's real dad!.!.!.
Seeing Phyllis squirm when she thinks Nick and Sharon will reunite!.

I am looking forward to the Truth with Gloria and the face cream and If Summer is really Jack's baby!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Can't wait for Paris!!!
Hopefully Nick and Sharon will re-unite!.
Even if they just toy with the idea, it would be nice to see Phyllis squirm!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Cane's reaction when he finds out the truth about the pregnancy! also Lily's! - - fun funWww@Enter-QA@Com

Billy coming back
Victor coming to his senses
the baby NOT being Cane's

what will happen with Victor !!!!!!!!!
Sharon and nick!?!?!? will it be again !?!?!?
daniel and amber will there love last!?!?!? with colleen flinging her clothes off !!!!!!!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Brad getting into trouble, and hopefully Sharon leaving!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I hated the fact that Sabrina got killed!. But I am looking forward to Lily and Cane getting back together!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sharon and Jack divorcing!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

1!. Adam, Brad and Jack working together to get Victor
2!.Chloe's pregnany coming out not as cains!.
3!. Sabrinas reapperance!.
4!. Ashely's return
5!. Ashely and Victor together again!.
6!. Amber being related to the Chancellors


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