Did Blood Ties get renewed for fall 2008?!

Question: Did Blood Ties get renewed for fall 2008!?
Unfortunately Blood Ties didn't get renewed!. There were a lot of petitions and campaigns to save the show and fans got it into an online poll of the Top 40 TV shows ever (it reached #34) but even that didn't seem to make a difference!.
The actors' contracts all expired last November and I think they're all working on different projects now (I think Kyle Schmid is going to be in the new season of Smallville) so unfortunately it doesn't look like we're going to see a second season of Blood Ties :*(Www@Enter-QA@Com

As of April 2008, it was unknown whether the series was to be cancelled or would return for another season!. At that time there were several fan-driven campaigns to save the show!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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