How to decide. grey's anatomy or the office?!

Question: How to decide!. grey's anatomy or the office!?
k well as you all know grey's anatomy and the office are going to be on at the same time on the same day! i love both shows but since i don't have tivo i can't record one and watch the other then watch the other one later!. i guess i could watch one online but!.!.!.i can't decide!. help me please!. and give detailed answers plz!.
k, txs :]Www@Enter-QA@Com

The Office, hands down!. One hour of complete hilarity!. New Dwight/Andy issues have got to be at the forefront since the season ended w/ Naked!Dwight & Angela!. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh D!!!! How could you wait an extra hour to see that!? The folks at Grey's Anatomy will still be sleeping with each another if you wait to watch it later!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

I love Grey's Anatomy and don't watch The Office, so of course, I will be watching Grey's Anatomy!. I suggest, however, that you watch "The Office" because you might be able to watch Grey's "on line" at abc!.com!.

If you have a vcr, you could tape one and watch it at your convenience!.


Watch the office!. But if you have a VCR you can tape one while watching the other!. Program the VCR to tape one of them!. Then just watch the other using the TV's channels!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

The office for sure what a better way to end the day with a laugh!. Besides i can't wait to see how things pan out for Jim and Pam and i reallly miss Dwight! Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hands down grey's Anatomy!!!! Best show ever!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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