In the new episode of degrassi.. ?!

Question: In the new episode of degrassi!.!. !?
You know how they say claire and that hot girl and sav sister is in "a unique class' and that they are "gifted" well did they mean they were super smart!.!.!.!. cuz it kinda seemed like they were saying there in special ed!.!.!.!.!.

and what did you guys think of the new episode!?
i think mia is sooooooooo beautiful
and that new kid is sooo hot!! Www@Enter-QA@Com

No, they are "gifted" meaning that they are super smart! I can't believe that Darcy's little sis wears that outfit though! I hope she changes!. I'm sure she will! I loved the new epidsodes but I miss Darcy, Marco, and the girl that was on the paper and friend's with Marco (why can't I remember her name!)! At least Emma and Manny are still on it!. Are you talking about the new roomie of Emma, Manny, and Liberty!? He's kinda cute!. Mia is very pretty but I can't believe she did that! And then she finds out that she had the job anyways! I know she feels bad!. I hope the others forgive her and she doesn't lose her modeling job! I was soooo surprised to see Darcy because she is on one of America's most popular shows right now, the new 90210! Maybe she's just doing a few episodes!. I think this new season will be interesting and funny!. Did you see any of the previews!? Do you look at the website at all!? If not, here it is!
If you click onto videos, you can watch a bunch of previews and any old episdodes of the current season that you may have missed!. Plus, they give the DL on the new characters!.!.!. And you can voice your opinions if you are a HUGE fan like me! BTW, what'd you think of the newish theme song!? I didn't care for it!.

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