Does ANYONE have the least idea why it is that those silly people in infomecials!

Question: Does ANYONE have the least idea why it is that those silly people in infomecials at night!?
which I happen to watch, while I do my art work!.!.!.have to turn into cry-babies and blubber abut (WHILE BREAKING INTO TEARS!!!) have to cry all over the place - over the loss from 20 to 100 ponds of excess weight through some weight program!?!?!?!?!?
And then their saviour, the guy who "supposedly set them into discipline finally shows up and they they cry and clamour even MORE!!!

Stupidly I watched tonite one of these silly advertisement one after another!.!.!.until the very last one, the one with the whimpering ex-heavy folks, broke through my insomnia and I was made to fall right into my weaving, (which is no surprise when my insomnia breaks and I FINALLY fall asleep wherever I am!

If anybody is as scatter-brained as I, to watch these dumb infomercials, would you please tell me WHAT the crying and the blubbering is all about!!!


(what ever happened to the dignity of self discipline!? Oops I should talk - I'm NOT addicted to food - but I'm addicted to this blather on the telly, Crikey, folks!!!)Www@Enter-QA@Com

They maybe realise just how bad they let themselves go and cry in shame at it!.!.
Or , they are just being well paid for it to look real !.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

whoa!.!.what the heck!?
cheesy infomercials make you cry!?
maybe you should go see a therapist!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Infomercials are silly & don't waste my time with them!. And i don't mean that in a bad way !.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I agree they are very cheesy but I honestly think the people losing the weight feel as though they have been set free!.Obesity is often mistaken for just the need to over eat!. People forget to factor in medical conditions,medications and other things unknown to us !. This can be very upsetting,emotional and physically hard on people!.They struggle with physical limitations,health problems,emotional anxiety ect!.When they reach the point weather it be recovery from medically hindering conditions or simply comfort eating and are able to loose the weight they feel liberated!.They are physically more energized and emotionally it is freedom!.I think the commericals could be handled in a much better way but sympathize with the people who have faced this struggle!.I hope this helped!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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