Australian TV.Can someone please help?!

Question: Australian TV!.Can someone please help!?
I was wondering if anyone can tell me if Beverly Hills 90210 is still showing on Australian TV!.I heard at first that they are moving it to a new time slot and day and then I heard that they are going to remove it!.I hope someone can help me!.Thank youWww@Enter-QA@Com

Channel ten have decided to not show the remaining episodes until summer due to low ratings!. They hope that the ratings will pick up by that time
here is a link to where you can watch new episodes online every week

the show has been canceled!. chn 10 pulled the show from air but says it will broadcast the remaining episodes over summer!. I suggest you contact chn 10Www@Enter-QA@Com

It got axed!.
I'm not sure why!.
I loved it although I love Supernatural more, which seemed to replace it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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