HELP! Need help with a song that was at the end of Army Wives tonight!?!

Question: HELP! Need help with a song that was at the end of Army Wives tonight!!?
I believe its called "It Is Well With My Soul" can someone please help with who the artist was!? I've found many artists that sing that song but I want the version that was at the end of Army Wives tonight!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I had the same question and the song is not listed anywhere in the music section of the official website or on tunesonthetube!.com!.
I love the song but have never found a version worth downloading and really liked the one played on Army Wives!.

Sorry I couldn't help but in case it interests you, the hymnist wrote this after several tragic events in his life including the death of his son, the great Chicago Fire which ruined him financially and a shipwreck that killed all four of his daughters died!. He wrote these words as he traveled by where his daughters had died to meet his grieving wife!. It's an incredibly powerful song!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

try checking the show's website- they list the songs there under


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