Is HBO"s True Blood Biased?!

Question: Is HBO"s True Blood Biased!?
If you watch the show you know the show is mostly sex and vampires!.

I won't stop watching the show, but why won't they show Tara and Sam having sex!? It's only the before and after!. Why!? Do they think she is a chocolate sista and isn't as beautiful as the other girls!?

Sookie and Bill had sex they made it a sensual thing, Jason, nasty but they show it!. Sam and tara I think it's hot, they show them kiss thats it!. the last scene it looked like it was good, fell on the bed and she still had her bra on, who leaves their bra on!? I don't know a man, even in simulated sex, will leave that on!.

Yeah, I asked it, now answer it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's funny the thought ran through my head too!. As far as Tara keeping her bra on it could be the actress!. She probably does not want to do total nude scenes!. Sarah Jessica Parker never took her bra off on Sex and the City because that was her, it was written in her contract and in a lot of her movies she won't get totally naked!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

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