Has HGTV become homosexual and gay tv?!

Question: Has HGTV become homosexual and gay tv!?
What is wrong with the traditional husband and wife on televison!. I actually like the shows!. I would like to watch the shows!. I wish not to see homosexuals cohabitating!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I agree with you completely!. It's nice to see that someone else is sick of the politically correct bullshit that has taken over television!. It is an attempt to make it appear normal and thereby influence people to begin to think that it is!.

Not liking it has nothing to do with being concerned that it will turn someone gay!. It has to do with thinking that it is wrong!. No; correct that, Knowing that it is wrong!. I personally find it disgusting, but to call everyone that says it is wrong a homophobe is inaccurate and shows that you aren't able to make an arguement for it , that can stand up to logical analysis!. Just so that you know a phobia is an irrational fear!. I am not in the least bit afraid of homosexuals, and there is nothing irrational about believing that the life style they have chosen is wrong!. As for calling us narrow minded, how is our attitude anymore narrow minded than yours!? You condemn us for our opinion, how is that open minded!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

My uncle thinks that HGTV caters to gays and women!. I am surprised that the only two shows I watch, House Hunters and My House is Worth What!?, features a lot of gay couples (you can say gay (my uncle can't seem to say gay also))!. It's noticeable, but I doesn't matter to me!. They are people after all!.

There is nothing wrong with the traditional husband and wife teams on shows of course, the networks aren't doing anything against traditional couples!. I think networks are trying to convince everyone that there isn't anything wrong with gay couples too!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Afraid it will turn you gay!? If not, what's the problem!?

I doubt it has anything to do with being "Politically Correct", and more to do with that channel not caring about homophobes!. If it had to do with being PC, they'd be a channel with only straight people, but afraid to say anything bad about gay people!.

Here's a logical argument!.!.!. Homosexuality is not wrong because it hurts no one!. The only thing I can think of it being wrong is that if 100% of the world was gay, we wouldn't survive because we can't reproduce, but as it stands, we have too many people to feed as it is, and there are far more straight people than gay people so we're good on the baby making process, and there will always be straight people!. also, there would still be bi people who can reproduce!. How is it wrong to be gay!? How!? You cannot give me a logical answer!. All you can say is that it "disgusts" you, which does not make an act evil!. In fact, people who are unfairly intolerant and judgmental are evil because their words and, sometimes, their actions to prevent people from living their own life hurt people!.

What is your logical reason for saying homosexuality is wrong!? PS, I didn't thumb you down!. You are entitled to your opinions no matter how much I disagree with it!.

And you may not be "afraid of homosexuals", but you do have an irrational fear of society accepting gay people!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Then watch the christen channel!. Most shows on all stations and channels are becoming less biased!. Unlike you!. It's not like you're watching them do the deed!. You're watching them buy a house or sell one or redo a few rooms!. What is the problem with watching 2 happy people!? Is it just the gay guys that give you a problem or do you skip through the women doing each other when you watch porn!? I'm betting you don't!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

there are a lot of gays on HGTV!.!. but SO WHAT!?!?!? most straight men wont sit and watch a home and garden tv show!.!. i know my Hubbie wont!.!.!.most people who take care of the home and garden are women and gay men!.!.!.!.!. why are people so ignorant!?!?!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

well then move out of America you close-mided jerk!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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