If you watch 17 Kids and Counting, please explain their religion?!

Question: If you watch 17 Kids and Counting, please explain their religion!?
I don't get it, and I'm trying to be nonjudgmental!. But, it seems to me that all that women are used for is breeding and cooking!. Please explain this religion in way that not only makes sense, but that explains the women's role better than the view I am seeing it from!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

They are conservative baptist Christians!.

The Bible talks about children being blessings and a joy!. There is a verse that refers to children as being quivers (or arrows) for the parents' bow (that being an allegory, of course)!. In other words, many children are a blessing!. There is also a verse that encourages believers to fill the earth with godly children!.

Now, of course children (whether you have 2 or 20) can or cannot be a "blessing" or "joy" exactly !. !. !. It's not just to have many children, but to raise them in the Lord!.

The Bible also teaches that life is given (and taken) only by the Lord!. So, if a child is conceived and born, it is because God created that life and not the parents, per se!. So by this woman having 17/18 children, it is because God allowed it in His power to create those lives through her!. Therefore, if a family has 2 or 20 children, it is because God allowed it!. The Duggar family sees the number of children they have to be God's decision, and they do not wish to control it!.

The Bible also teaches that men (husbands) are to be head of the household, and that women (wives) are to submit to their husbands (as long as their submission does not go against the Lord)!. On the flip side (so that we don't confuse these teachings as an ugly dictatorship), the Bible teaches husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church!. How did Christ love the church!? He loved them, cared for them, did what was best for them, prayed for them, and in the end He even gave His life for the church!.

They believe that husbands should be head of the house by working, providing for all of the house's needs, and to rear his family in the Lord!. So on the flip side, women need to submit by respecting their God-appointed leadership (their husbands) and to care for their husbands!. Cleaning, cooking, taking care of children, supporting their husbands, etc!. !. !.

God never intended for men and women (husbands and wives) to be equal and the same!. Now, don't confuse that by thinking that women are less, because that is not true, nor does the Bible teach that!. God loves everyone, despite gender, completely the same!. It's just that He appointed different "roles" for each gender!. For men to be the leadership in the family, and to work, care, and provide for his home, and to love his wife with his whole life!. Then for women to submit and follow their husbands (in a Godly way, not a harmful, wrong way) and to care for him and their home (which includes cleaning, cooking, etc!.)!.

Everything they believe, teach and follow either comes exactly out of the Bible, or it is rooted from and then stems from the Bible!. Everything they do can be found from, or based on, the Bible!.

Obviously you may or may not agree with this, but even if you don't agree, I hope you have just a little understanding on why they live as they live!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

They seem to be followers of the "Quiverfull" movement with the evangelical side of Protestantism!. One of the most important aspects of the movement is that children are a blessing from God and using birth control/family planning is to work against God's will!. So, yes, essentially women under this movement really are there to do nothing but produce and care for children and to remain under the authority of her husband!.

I think it's a remarkably backwards and antiquated idea!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I don't think they have ever said!. What i recognize from my childhood its some form of Pentecost!. No hair cuts or pants for females!. No jewlery except wedding ring and maybe a watch!. No make up!. Some of the groups I knew were called Holy rollers also as they fell in faints and talked in tounges!. I haven't seen that aspect on the Duggers but the other parts fit!.
You are getting a pretty clear veiw of the womens role but they don't seem to mind so i guess I wont!. Not for me I gotta say!. Can you imagine being a brood mare and having a baby a year!.!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

I don't get it either!. If that is the way they want to live it is okay with me, it's their life!. But I think having kid after kid is nuts!. How many is she going to end up with by time she hits menopause for pete's sake!. And just where does their money come from cuz it will take a bundle to look after that many!. If it wasn't for the publicity and money they get from a show like this and going on talk shows (and they've done a few) I think they'd be screwed financially!. I'll bet all those washers and dryers were given to them and that huge house must be worth a fortune, too!. Oh, well to each his own but it's not for me!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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