John & Kate Plus Eight....getting too far-fetched?!

Question: John & Kate Plus Eight!.!.!.!.getting too far-fetched!?
In the recent weeks, it seems as if this show has turned from being down-to-earth to unrealistic!. I understand they get paid from doing the show,!.!.!.but it seems to be shifting to "beyond true reality" mode!. This whole wedding event is just off the mark too!.!.!.!.Kate bought her gown from that $$$$$ store on "Say Yes to the Dress"!. Hello!! also, a trip that extensive is just crazy!.!.!.!.no family of 10 could truly afford that!.

Is anyone else feeling that this down-to-earth show is turning just a bit unrealistic, therefore making it not as fun to watch!? Www@Enter-QA@Com

yeah i know exactly what you mean!.
i use to watch that show all the time
not as much anymore!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Actually on one episode (i believe it was the one where they went sking) that Kat said that they DID NOT pay for these trips!. The resort that their going to gives them the trip in exchange for them promoting the resort!. They get ALOT of stuff given to them and they have shown that on tv!. also i saw the wedding episode they did not show her purchasing the dress, the store could of loaned it to her or gave her a big discount or TLC may of paid for it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I noticed the difference in the show as well!. I remember when it started it showed their life at home life and routines!. Now it is all about going places for free and having "adventures" I think the fame has gone to both Jon and Kate's head!. It seems like they try to get as many free products as they can now!.
Not to mention Jon got a free hair transplant
Kate a free tummy tuck
I bet they got the tents for free for their "camping trip"
You can bet they got to stay at the hotel for in CA for free
All those amusement parks for free

I feel sorry for Maddie poor think it is so obvious she hates the whole thing!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I enjoy watching this show!. It's true that it is not realistic to think they could afford these trips but they have been very honest about that!. John and Kate have discussed this fact and it is one of the main reasons they do the show!. To be able to expose their children to all these places and experiences is one of their goals!. No matter what they do, I find it fun to watch!. It is always a challenge for them and I am always amazed at how patient they are!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

the show did change but they were not going to show all these episode of the family stuck at home with nothing to do!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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