Do you remember "My Three Sons" tv show?!

Question: Do you remember "My Three Sons" tv show!?
1!. Who played the role of Robbie!?
2!. What show did his sister appear in, years later!?
3!. What member of the cast appeared in the movie, "Patton"!?
4!. Who was the actor who first played the role of the uncle!? What VERY famous show was he once a member of!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

1!. Don Grady
2!. Eight is Enough (Lani O'Grady)
3!. Tim Considine (Soldier who gets slapped)
4!. William Frawley - Grandfather Michael Francis "Bub" O'Casey (I Love Lucy - Fred Mertz)

Poor health forced Frawley's retirement from the show after five years!. He was dropped from My Three Sons after the studio could no longer obtain insurance on him!. He was replaced by actor William DemarestWww@Enter-QA@Com

1 Don Grady !.!.!. Robbie Douglas / !.!.!. (84 episodes, 1960-1971)

2 Lani O'Grady is best-remembered for her role as Mary Bradford, the eldest sister from Eight is Enough

3 Tim Considine, (Mike Douglas) who played the slapped solder in Patton

4 William Demarest who played Uncle Charley was in two episodes of "McMillan & Wife"!. Demarest received a single Academy Award nomination, for his supporting role in The Jolson Story, playing Al Jolson's fictional mentor AND one episode of Twilight Zone as Joe Britt, cab driver!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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