Do you think Brittney Spears was crazy b4 Kevin?!

Question: Nah I think the divorce and the post partum depression after she had that second baby messed her up.

Answers: Nah I think the divorce and the post partum depression after she had that second baby messed her up.

Not nearly as much. I think he messed her up and now is sitting back and watching his train wreck.


nope absolutely not

no, i think it was recently that she went a bit odd


kinda not really??

no, she was pretty descent. it semmed like she went crazy after she had her kids

Please, folks, give this Britney crap a rest!!! No one cares!!!!!!

No probably not. She semmed to be a fairly normal teen but i think as much fame as she has at such a young age just got to her.

yeah i think she was and he brought it out of her

Yes, I think she had issues for a very long time. They have just come to light relatively recently.

I think it is a sad situation for her.

stupid peice of crap.

down with kev?!

No, but we never know. I think he has added to her insanity, or someone slipped something hard in her food or drink. It's really sad, there's so much to say but I can't at this moment.

I pray for her.

UM, i think the paparazzi is 100% responsible for the state of Britney's mental health. I don't understand why laws have not been legislated to prevent photographers from stalking and harassing celebrities. They're American citizens too you know!

My answer is "no".

No I do not think she is crazy in the first part, I mean I think the reason she acts so out of control is for attention and because of the severe drug abuse in her past. She craves attention and knows that they ALWAYS have media on her.

She is not crazy. It is the drugs.
Stay away from drugs and justin timberlake.

Yes, I saw that youtube video of her acting weird about a year ago, when she was with Federline. She was about as whacked out as its possible to be then. I think shes always been a nut job.

Yes! imagine if you had no childhood because you were observed and criticized FOR EVERYTHING you do by Papparazzi. You're bound to go into a crazy rebellious stage.

If you think about it most celebs have problems. Addiction, criminal or law problems, etc..everyone should give her a break. What kind of person would enjoy people watching her every move and then always being criticized? She has no privacy.

i think we need to leave her alone and let her heal

I don't know really,sorry

hellzzzzzzzzzzzzzz yea the ***** waz born crazy u tell me wat woman thats striaght would kiss another woman on live tv if they not getting paid 4 it

I think since her break up with Justin Timberlake she's not been the same girl.

No, she has just been abusing too many chemicals over the years.

Perhaps it was the stress of having children and caring for them that sent her over the edge.

She was used to being in control of her everyday life. And perhaps she couldn't adjust her expectations to the needs and the demands of her young children.

Some people are predisposed to mental illness. But as long as they avoid prolonged stress in their lives, they may never get sick.

YES! She started to lose it after the whole thing with Justin. After that she wasn't the cute, sweet, all-American virgin. She was the tramp that cheated as far as the media was concerned and they weren't going to let her forget it. That was the start. Everyone though K-Fed was ruining her when they hooked up but he was the only thing keeping her grounded. When she was forced to divorce Kevin to get her career back the glue was gone and she completely fell apart. Now there are a bunch of vultures taking what they can from the pieces of what's left.


rush blames JT

A Little Bit but she was more Insane after K Fed.

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