What unpopular opinions do you hold about certain celebs/ shows?!

Question: By that I mean what opinions do you have that not many other people seem to share. For example, that James Blunt isn't bland or annoying.

Answers: By that I mean what opinions do you have that not many other people seem to share. For example, that James Blunt isn't bland or annoying.

That Mariah Carey can't sing and that Chris Daughtry isn't that great

i like the spice girls

I think Hannah Montana is a good show!!

I never ever watch "Network" television because the shows are geared toward stupid people, the commericals are even worse, and the celeb-retards are hard to stomach.

I think Hannah Montana is good, too.

"I want my mullet back... I want my mullet back..." - Love it. Billy Ray Cyrus is my hero.

My most unpopular celebrity opinions? I wish Britney Spears would shut the f*** up and kill herself already and that Paris Hilton (And her friends) should be injected with the AIDS virus to rid the world of her stupidity and the stupidity of those who choose to sleep/hang out with her.

I hate Bare Naked Ladies & Dave Matthews. There I said it - I just dont get it.

Also Seinfeld is the most annoying sitcom ever!

I think all reality TV is a waste of time, and I'm sad that Americans have stooped so low as to vote more often for a singer than their president.

I think Madonna is a tired has-been, and if I hear another song by Mariah Carey, I will scream.

I think Kelly Pickler's stylist should be shot.

That haircut is much too old for her. All I can think of when I see her is Tammy Wynette. She was much cuter and age appropriate with long hair.

I don't understand why Fall Out Boy is so friggin' popular. They are a bunch of failed punk rockers that decided to leech off the mainstream. And they do a mediocre-at-best job of THAT.

That's my unpopular opinion.

that all the pretty boys on tv aren't respected for their acting ability's, just for their looks ( these celebrities are people like the jonas brothers, zac efron, Justin timberlake, even though in my opinion they are all butt ugly...) and that it's better to pick the parts that suit you not the ones that bring you the most fame, publicity or money.you may not become very well known or get many job deals but you'll be doing what you love. Hell I'd go for all the quirky parts because I'm a shy, weird loner with only a few friends who watches weird shows and gets made fun of the next day at school for it, for instance I love quirky movies like secret window and saw and cry baby but hell I'm happy because that's just who I am. I may only be 13 but i have a hell of a lot more sense than most people.

Thankyou for who ever voted me up, I didn't think anyone would as I normally just ramble on about me as I did above.

Amy Winehouse - skinny, dirty, ugly druggie - what is all the fuss about her?

Who the hell thought that Clive bloke should be James Bond - class? sexy? i think not

i can't stand hannah montana..

distraction very bad ,dull and stupid

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