Do you think Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens will stay together?!

Question: just wondering what everybody thought.

Answers: just wondering what everybody thought.

no,they'll eventually grow up and break up
its the circle of life...sort of
unless they decide 2 get married

No, I think he might be gay.

Nope. I don't think so, because they don't seem that serious and even they don't think they will be together forever.

i'm not really one can tell what will happen....but i don't like them together....just saying ^_^

maybe for now but not forever...
they will eventually break up...

You never know. They could. But, most likely they will break up because they are so young and need to explore new relationships and meet new people. If they do stay together and get married when they are much, much older then congratulations to them.

I'm so sure that they might have sex with each other

look what happend to Jessica simpson and NIck lachey.. lmao and we all thought they would last... and member ben aflick (not sure if i spelled that right..) and j-lo... haha good times good times... they broke up.. poor J-lo she made a whole cd signign about this guy.. LMAO!

i think they'll stay together for now, but i don't think they'll spend the rest of their lives together. they're far too young and from what i've heard, they've had some problems. they will eventually break up.

Didn't they break up last month?

haha no! come on they are celebrities, plus zac efron is probably gay

no. they are too young to stay together. they will eventually break up cause they will want to date other people before they settle down seriously. it will never last. i also don't think zac efron is gay. i think he is straight. don't know why! lol

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