Would u rather???!

Question: if u like miley cyrus:

would u rather-spend an hour w/ her or guest star on ur fav show?

if u dont like miley:

would u rather spend an hour w/ her or be really sick?

Answers: if u like miley cyrus:

would u rather-spend an hour w/ her or guest star on ur fav show?

if u dont like miley:

would u rather spend an hour w/ her or be really sick?

I kinda like her and I kinda dont

so I guess that I would rather meet her than for her to be sick cause maybe she can introduce me to the Jonas Brothers! lol

The first one.

spend a hour with her.

star on my fav show

I dont really care for her, but I would rather spend an hour with her rather than be sick.

If I like her I would: Spend an hour with her

If I didn't like her I would: Be really sick

Spend an hour with her

like her or not

I would rather be rushed to the hospital due to an extreme illness then spend an hour with her.

a guest star on my fave show

I love Miley Cyrus! I would rather guest star on my favorite show, because that's Hannah Montana!

be on my fav show

I don't like her as a musician, but I'd prefer to spend time with her than be sick, who knows, I might like her as a person.

Spend an hour w/ her...on live TV...having singing contests...and seeing how bad she is at live singing...!!

first one: guest star on the show

2nd one; spend an hour with her.

actually I really don't like or dislike her. so either way

Spent time, she might end up being cool..

For me, it's the second one.
The first one,
I'm indifferent towards her,
and I could get her autograph and sell it to people I know,

i dont like her but id spend that hour with her so i mess with her

i will take the latter.


guest star on my fave show!

If you like Miley Cyrus, would you rather spend an hour w/ her or guest star on ur fav show?

If you don't like Miley, would you rather spend an hour w/ her or be really sick?

Since I don't like Miley, I'd rather be really, really, really sick than spend an hour with her. That'd be an hour of unbelievable torture, and I wouldn't want to put my worst enemy through that. Oh wait, does that mean she'd be singing the whole hour, or would she be trying to make out with me the whole time?

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