Please tell me Danity Kane's getting back together?!

Question: Please tell me Danity Kane's getting back together!?
I watched the season finale the other night, and saw Aubrey and D!.Woods get kicked out!. but does anybody know if there getting back together!. I just cant imagine Bad Boy without them!. I started crying when I watched the season finale!. If they are getting back together, is there going to be a Making the Band 5!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well, it was confirmed that there is going to be a new season of Making the Band!. Probably going to be Making the Band 4, Season 4!. For sure, Day26 and Donnie will be back!. But my thoughts are so will Danity Kane!. Shannon, Aundrea, and Dawn are definitly going to be back, but I also thinks Diddy will bring back D and Aubrey!. He knows, from a business standpoint, that they are the two most influential people (besides Dawn) in the group!. Ultimately, he will see that Danity Kane is not Danity Kane without all 5 members, as Shannon has been stressing since the break up!. I think they will all come to terms with their mistakes and will reunite again!. Danity Kane is strong, and as they say, they have been through a lot and got through it all!. Diddy already confirmed he'd be glad to work with D again, and as in the past, I think Diddy and Aubrey will also be able to patch up their differences!. I think it'd make for a good Making the Band 4 Season 4 intro!.!.!.imagine seeing Shannon, Aundrea, and Dawn, and all of a sudden in comes Aubrey and D!. I definitly think these girls will stick it out for their fans, if nothing else!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm not shocked about Aubrey, but I wasn't expecting D-woods to leave!.

I doubt those members will get back together!.!.!.this just gives Diddy the chance to audition more girls and add more members to what's left of the group which means a new season of Making the Band!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i'm so glad aubrey is out!.!.
she's such a mess!. always out looking like a wreck and making diddy look bad!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

lol!. im glad aubrey got kicked out!.
i hate her so much!.

she annoys me so much!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

no they r not!. they all going solo!. SORRY!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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