Why do (most) Jonas Brothers fans have to act like Nazis?!

Question: Why do (most) Jonas Brothers fans have to act like Nazis!?
I asked a simple question a few minutes ago!.!.!. The question was: "Do you know where I can get a "Jonas Brothers Suck" t-shirt!?"

I even wrote a message for the fangirls that might come across the question!. I was simple about it, and I told them that they should ignore the question, if they didn't like it!.

Well, I got cursed at, insulted, etc!. By!.!.!. GUESS WHO!?! Jonas fans!.

I got reported for asking a simple question!.!.!. All I ask of you Jonas fans, is to respect my opinion!. RESPECT IT!. That's all!. If the world liked all the same things, wouldn't it be boring!? Seriously!.!.!.

I don't care if you like the Jonas Brothers!.!.!. In fact, I couldn't care less!

So, this is a question: Why do (most, I'm not shoving you all into this category) Jonas Brothers fan have to act like Nazis!?

Again, I don't "hate" the Jonas Brothers, I just strongly dislike them!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's simple!.
They are totally brainwashed!.
They don't have personality and can't take a joke!.
I do like the Jonas Brothers,
but I do respect your opinion and thought that the shirt idea was funny!.
They just need to back down and stop trying to defend "their boys" because haters are going to hate no matter what!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Isn't this hypocritical!? I thought that Jonas brothers fans don't curse because the Jonas brothers don't!? hmmmm!.

Anywho, yeah ive been reported numerous times for having an opinion, but i appealed finally(i think i was close to being suspended) and i wrote back to Y!A saying i can have an opinion and that i cant keep getting reported for having an opinion, and i havent been reported since, i think they watch what answers get reported, because my answers have gotten deleted a lot, but i have not be reportedWww@Enter-QA@Com

I know what ur talking about!.

I like the Jonas Brothers but if someone doesnt and thinks they suck i dont care everyone has their opinion but i think its the little middle school kids that are literally in love with them(or at least they think they are)!. Maybe they think that the Jonas Brothers will love them if they defend them!.

I think alot of bands and actors suck and i wouldnt want to be attacked because of it so i vaule others' opinions and respect them so they'll respect me!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I respect jonas haters' opinions!.!.!.!.but I also think that MOST of you haters should respect OUR opinions too!. Whenever I ask a simple question about them that's pro-Jonas, I get a bunch of haters leaving messages like "they suck" or "who cares!?", when all I did was ask a simple question!. I think haters talk about them more than us fans do!.!.!.!.!.!. I don't like Miley Cyrus and you don't see me asking questions like, "Where do I get a Miley Cyrus sucks t-shirt!?" Everyone just needs to take a breath and cool down!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

umm first of all, why would you want a shirt like that!?
of course its gonna hurt someone! its gonna hurt all the fans and who cares if you dont like them!?! who cares if in your opinion, the jonas brothers suck!?! NO ONE!. so dont try to get a tee shirt like that!.!.!.you're not gonna find it anywhere unless you make one!. but you'd be dumb to make one since your wasting your time!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

yeah im not sure either most of the girls are like 10 and they just love to start drama btw litttle girls the jonas brother would not do that lmao i dunno some people have clearly passed the obsession line and they just have to get over them already and stop tracking where they are at every hour of every day i dont think those jonas fans would like it if there were a billion drooling girls waiting for them outside of every store lol and following them its blatant disresspect Www@Enter-QA@Com

Its hard to RESPECT your opinion when you tell them you hate something they love!. Whatever, just ignore them, its not to hard!. I do agree that they don't need to go on and on about how your just jealous, or trying to convince you that they are the greatest thing on earth!. it gets really annoying!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i dont know, its just your opinion and people should learn to respect yours/others opinion and i agree with you u asked a simple question, and this is called yahoo answers not "yahoo-lets come here to start a arguement" i cant ask a question either these days without someone going all balistic on me so yeah i agree, like i said it seems like people dont understand that everyone is different, cuz its your opinion not THEIRSWww@Enter-QA@Com

that's a bit rude to ask for a "jonas brothers suck" tshirt!. because we like the jonas brothers and we don't think they suck at all!.
we know you have your opinon but you don't have to be so rude about it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

hahaha!.!.!.i dunno, its kind of weird!.!.!.but then again, u must realize that most jonas brothers fans are immature little girls !.!.!.or boys!.!.!.that dont have much else to do than to look up to them

*all this comin from a joe fan* lolWww@Enter-QA@Com

Most of them probably are Nazis and can't handle the truth!. They also can't criticism or advice either!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I guess they think it is cool, but it is not cool at all!. In fact it is very crude and disgusting and also very, very disrespectful! (acting like Nazis)Www@Enter-QA@Com

maybe you should get a t-shirt that says jonas brothers' fans suck!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

its because we are dedicated!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Natzis= bad
JB fans= stupid!. some of them anyway!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

That was wrong of the fans but then again, how would you feel is someone asked that question about your favorite band!?
It wouldn't feel good, now would it!?

also, comparing Jonas fans to Nazis is very harsh!.
My grandmothers family died by the hands of the Nazis and the Jonas Brothers fans didn't murder you so I don't think it's necessary to compare the fans to Nazis!.

You can make your own Jonas suck T-shirt on:

its your opinion
do what you want
i love the jonas brothers
but i think its funny if someone wore
a shirt like that!.
i love that you say you don't hate them
it shows ur not a bad person
and some of these fans are being really ignorent
im a fan but dont listen to them
you have ur own opinion
n yes the world would be so
boring if everyone liked the same thing!.

your really mature
by apologizing
so why are so many people
going off on you
gosh people let him/her wear what
she wants
is it really gonna hurt you
everyone is entitled to their opinion
and some people have unique ways of showing them


ok, so ur upset that ppl lashed out 2 u bout ur ideas on jb!.!.!.
and jb fans r upset that ppl like U lash out on us 4 liking them!!!!
dont ask provocative questions if u dont wanna hav that reaction!
sure, mature! so mature that u wanna wear a hate shirt around!
and also, yea, it is hurting me if u wear that
lol its crazy i know but at some point in ur life, weather it was when u were 2 obsessing over a sippy cup or 50 over a stamp collection, ur gonna be obsessed with something!
and 4 many ppl at the moment it the jonas brothers
sure, we'll respect ur opinion if u respect ours, but by wearing a "Jonas Brothers Suck" top, u obviously aren't!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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