Has anyone seen Episodes eight and nine from Avatar the last airbender?!

Question: Yeah! 308 was so twisted (wasn't expecting it to be so dark)
and 309 with Aang losing his mind. *LOL I was on the floor laughing when Aang was telling everyone to better prepare because of his dreams (309)*

Answers: Yeah! 308 was so twisted (wasn't expecting it to be so dark)
and 309 with Aang losing his mind. *LOL I was on the floor laughing when Aang was telling everyone to better prepare because of his dreams (309)*

Not Yet, but I downloaded them on to VeohTV. I don't think they were shown on Nick yet, though.

yea ive seen them, im just waiting for ten and eleven now, but yes eight was dark as hell, omfg but if was soo good, and in seven there is another tokka hint, and nine was just too funny, where momo and appa were sword fighting, omfg i was laughing so hard

haha yea 9 was soo funny. i was actually laughing outloud which i rarely do for most shows. 8 was pretty cool. great techniques and i dont think a certain someone should have been so sad to learn that technique at the end. i would have loved to learn it. its not like that person has to be evil with it.

we're still at the start of season 2 in australia!!! *cry* and my internet's really really slow at the moment to download. i'm only upto book 2 chapter 17!! i feel so behind.

Well I haven't see this show before but my friend likes it. She has seen mostly all of the episodes.

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