Do anybody think yahiko (pein) is related to naruto and that maybe rin is relate!

Question: plz tell me wat u think and anything else bout naruto that u think that it is interesting

Answers: plz tell me wat u think and anything else bout naruto that u think that it is interesting

Yahiko isn't Pein --> well, not before....
>> Yahiko was Nagato's [Pein's real name] childhood friend, however now he acts as one of Pein's 6 bodies... =|

I don't think Pein is related to Naruto.
>> In my opinion they don't look alike at all. Pein has orange hair and Naruto blonde. Naruto's clothes and "cutesy" appearence show off his flamboyant personality. Whereas Pein is all moody and seems angry a lot...

As for Rin related to Tsunade. I don't think that's possible either. I'm not exactly ruling this out because we don't know much about Tsunade or Rin's pasts -- but I doubt they're related.

They are 100% different.
Pein is related to Konan.
Rin doesn't have to do with Tsunade either. Just because they look alike doesn't mean they are related.

manga character look alike because the person who draws them is the same.
what interesting is about the other monsters with tails (gaara 1 tail, naruto 9 tail), the manga so far haven't tell us about the others from 2 tail to 8 tail, that's what i wanna know

pein related to naruto maybe


yeah i think so. and rin never show up yet after that kakashi's incident. mayb rin is one of tsunade's surbodinates.

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