Why is Sasuke soo much better and cooler than Naruto?!

Question: Why is Sasuke soo much better and cooler than Naruto!?
Yeah he is, even though Naruto is more popular in america (cuz he is a blondie and retarded, which white people can relate with), Sasuke is more popular in Japan, and is also cathing up to Naruto in america as well (mostly to *fan-girls* lol)!.

Even though some americans don't like Sasuke because they can't understand his ways and culture (IGN says him as the Emo kid), there are WAYY more people who love him (GAMESPOT!.com is an example)

Why is Sasuke soo cool!? He always seemed to bring more excitement to the story anyways!.!.!. I always liked anti-heroes a lot (just like Sesshoumaru of Inuyasha)!.

Is it because of his hawk-like hair!?

Is it because of his dark/brown eyes!?

It is because of his care-less god-damn attitude!?

It is because of his awesome manly voice!? Both Noriyaki Sugiyama and Yuri Lowenthal are great voice actors

It is because he is an AVENGER of LIGHT!?

It is because he was never a Pervert, unlike Naruto (who probably had se# with all the girls, including Sakura, HinataWww@Enter-QA@Com

It is because of the way the author portrays him!. He is shown as this kid who has had a bad life and is strong and just gives off the 'coolness' that Naruto fails to do!. There is usually a character that is cooler than the main one and in this case it was Sasuke!. Others were Henry from Spiderman 3 and even Vegeta from Dragonball Z to some extent!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Don't get me wrong, I like Saksuke!. His voice actor is awesome! (I like Kakashi's more though)

I love characters with dark features!. I love his Jutsu's and I think he's an awesome fighter!.

I don't like his careless attitude!. The avenger thing makes him act before thinking, often emotionless, and irrational!.

***The thing that scares me about him is that he doesn't take notice to girls!.!.!.!.!.!.IS HE ASEXUAL!?!?!?!?!?!?


i think i saw this in a message board or something!.!.!.!.
masashi kishimoto-sensei admitted that sasuke is his favorite naruto character and not naruto!! i forgot what site it was though!.!.!.!.!.!.
that might explain why all the coolness went 2 sasukeWww@Enter-QA@Com

They are both bad characters, but I hate Sasuke more than any other fictional character!. He is horrible!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Bcoz he's better lookingWww@Enter-QA@Com


Sasuke is ok, and the only reason he is so popular is because he is a homosexual, and girls really pick up on that!. There isn't a single guy that I know that likes Sasuke!. But go ahead, if you like someone who doesn't notice someones undying love for them and blindly walks away from all your friends and your home, set out on a personal vendetta and will get power any way you can, even if that means being reckless and cheating by using forbidden jutsu to get power, and potentially losing yourself to your demented master!.

Naruto isn't a pervert, sure he has perverted thoughts about Sakura, but he is too stupid to even acknowledge Hinata and her love for him!. He hasn't had sex with anyone!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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