Is The anime akira any good for a 13 year old???!

Question: Is The anime akira any good for a 13 year old!?!?!?
I'm buying it for a birthday present!.!.!. Is there loads of action because he likes actionWww@Enter-QA@Com

I wouldn't suggest purchasing this anime for a 13-year old!. As the other responders noted, there is violence, suggested rape, nudity and gore!. Additionally, Akira isn't just a movie about a motorcyle gang but has some advanced philosophical themes, including the continuing evolution of man into a different being, which is energy-based and not "just" a human!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Well there's much blood, violence, and some nudity, but that anime was a real masterpiece!. So much action and an huge spread of famous voice actors!. I've seen it many times since I first found it when I was fourteen!. It is to be made live action by 2009 starring Leonardo DiCaprio!. I also intend on getting the anime and seeing this 2009 remake!. It really depends on the kid's maturity because I know younger children than 13 who have seen it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i dont have any knowledge of this anime
to lilactress17:
i am 13 and love anime!. and video games!. so u cant say '13 year olds do not like anime' how do u know!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

there's action but there's also violence and gore and stuff!. i wouldn't really recommend it for a 13 year old!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No, because 13-year-olds do not like anime!. Get him a video game if he likes action!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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