How do you cure boredom?!

Question: : ]

Answers: : ]

There is always some kind of hobbie out there to keep
from getting bored and it could be very enjoyable.....

The second best way is to find something that keeps us from getting bored is to find an elderly person who lives around the neighborhood or a handicapped person and try to help
them with something that they have a hard time doing.

You are not bored and the feeling you get by giving a little
of yourself to help someone that has a hard time helping themselves is overwhelming.

But if we are selfish and only care about ourselves then we
stick with the hobbie.


to cure bordem you........... call some1, write a letter or something,go to random sites, do whatever you feel like doing. when your bored you can do whatever u feel like like idk when im bored i call ppl and listen to music and dance(ya im that cool i dance by my self) and paint or draw

Talk to your friends, write, listen to music, call someone, eat!!! EAT EAT EAT! EAT YOUR FRICKEN HOUSE. =] Yum.

-Hope this answers your question-
Oh or advil.

Ah well. There is a new medication out there called music. Talk to your local pharmacist about it, its really great. Just don't get too hooked. ;)

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