What happens to a Leo when she\he encounters Indian philosophies?!


What happens to a Leo when she\he encounters Indian philosophies?

What happens to a Leo when she\he encounters Indian philosophies: the idea of "destroying the ego", the thought of living modestly without materialistic possessions? what kind of Leo will she\he be as a Yogi or monk?


Their self denial would be more evident to them than the other sun signs. As a result they would know more about denial of self than the egos of the other sun signs. In that way they would eventually make a very knowledgeable monk or yogi. I am not aware of materialism being a Leo characteristic but if so, it would be the same way concerning the giving up of materialism. They would have to be thorough about it and so would learn more about giving up materialism than the other signs.
The signs of their other planets would also play a major role in self denial.

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