My planets?!


My planets?

sun in taurus
rising sign taurus
venus in taurus
moon in cancer
mars in aries

can you describe a persons personality with these planets?


basically your a taurus that comes off as a taurus. verry straigtforward and dirrect. you love nice things and money and will do much to make yourself feal like you have a home. emotionally you are at home with moon in cancer you should be connected with your emotions and feel them naturally. the aries in mars means you are the taurus with unlimited energy. you are probibly a more risky type of taurus and definately helps your sex drive and your ability to go the long haul in bed. the mars in aries is verry good for your makeup or you would be kind of a *****. it should allow you to enjoy some risks and living on the edge a little. not a bad chart in my opinion.

yoou are probibly attracted to aries males. im an aries with my venus in taurus we should hook up!! ha

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