I was born with a Jupiter Retrograde, what does that mean?!


I was born with a Jupiter Retrograde, what does that mean?

My birth date is February 15th, 1990 at 5:02 am in Santa Clara, California.

That's a link to my birth chart incase you wanted to look at it for further information.


Jupiter Retrograde
* has doubts about what they deserve and so ...
* finds it easy to settle for crumbs
* feels superior in some way inside
* abundance is felt on the inside
* looks inside for answers to religious questions

Jupiter is in your Sixth house, and is exalted in Cancer. At times, you will feel those things listed above, and you may be overcome by them because;
Jupiter is found in opposition to Uranus (in the 12th)-Uranus in the Twelfth House: hides originality, eccentricity, and genius. These people learned early in life that this was the safe thing to do. Naturally, anything that is suppressed causes "psychological pressure" to build up, and when it blows, watch out.

Your Mars is Conjunct Uranus, showing an unpredictable nature, and things common and traditional are not for you-but you have a tendency to conform, and 'go along'-shown by the Jupiter-Uranus opposition which says, you go out of your way to conform, and avoid the new, novel, and unconventional with great vigor. Confrontation with people and things who don't conform are common, not to mention arguments along these lines. That which won't go along is opposed.

Your Sun in Aquarius is Trine Jupiter-makes you a natural counselor or guide to others...and success comes to you-you have an instinct for justice and law (Scorpio(ruler is Pluto) in the 10th(career)-showing a strong drive for power and public recognition-this recognition will probably be gained in a good way-but with Uranus in the twelfth it will only be your own self-undoing if anything should go wrong, or would be unexpected/not of your doing. Uranus is the planet of 'surprises'. You would make a great investigator, or psychiatrist, working within hospitals or prisons, handling others people's money~and are adept at helping others (as long as they agree with you-for the most part anyways lol)

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