Libra Mars square Capricorn Ascendant?!

Question: What's it mean, exactly? and what effect does it have on the rest of my chart?

Sun Sagittarius 16.28
Moon Libra 28.35
Mercury Scorpio 28.46
Venus Sagittarius 6.23
Mars Libra 26.11
Jupiter Aquarius 13.39
Saturn Sagittarius 2.34
Uranus Sagittarius 18.06
Neptune Capricorn 2.44
Pluto Scorpio 6.15
Lilith Taurus 21.05
Asc node Taurus 8.33

Sun Sextile Jupiter 2.49 89
Sun Conjunction Uranus 1.38 435
Moon Conjunction Mars 2.24 96
Moon Conjunction Pluto 7.40 140
Mercury Conjunction Venus 7.37 143
Mercury Conjunction Saturn 3.47 298
Venus Conjunction Saturn 3.50 272
Mars Square Ascendant 4.57 -7
Jupiter Square Midheaven 1.53 -34
Neptune Sextile Pluto 3.32 11
Pluto Conjunction Midheaven 9.16

Answers: What's it mean, exactly? and what effect does it have on the rest of my chart?

Sun Sagittarius 16.28
Moon Libra 28.35
Mercury Scorpio 28.46
Venus Sagittarius 6.23
Mars Libra 26.11
Jupiter Aquarius 13.39
Saturn Sagittarius 2.34
Uranus Sagittarius 18.06
Neptune Capricorn 2.44
Pluto Scorpio 6.15
Lilith Taurus 21.05
Asc node Taurus 8.33

Sun Sextile Jupiter 2.49 89
Sun Conjunction Uranus 1.38 435
Moon Conjunction Mars 2.24 96
Moon Conjunction Pluto 7.40 140
Mercury Conjunction Venus 7.37 143
Mercury Conjunction Saturn 3.47 298
Venus Conjunction Saturn 3.50 272
Mars Square Ascendant 4.57 -7
Jupiter Square Midheaven 1.53 -34
Neptune Sextile Pluto 3.32 11
Pluto Conjunction Midheaven 9.16

I hope that's a copy and paste answer but, I think it works anyway...

Mars Square Ascendant
Your psychological drive towards acting on the basis of your conscious feel-
ings about people and situations is strongly developed, but it operates in a
way which goes against your spontaneous, more natural approach to life,
resulting in your giving out double messages. You are likely to experience
a conflict of interests between fulfilling your own needs and getting along
with other people. You either feel you must have your own way at all costs,
which will lead to disputes with others, or you feel you must get along with
people and therefore suppress your own wishes. In either case anger is a
feeling you have to learn to express appropriately, neither going overboard,
nor allowing people to walk all over you while you feel frustrated.

nothing not really

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