Scorpio/Aquarius love match?!

Question: Scorpio/Aquarius love match!?
I am a female Aquarius!. I just met a Scorpio male and he is so incredibly hot! He thinks it's real love, but we just met and I feel it needs more time!. Do Scorps fall hard and fast and then burn out, or do they fall in love and mean it!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

sexual attraction only here!.!. the sparks fly early on but then the temper sparks take over!.!. run now while you can!Www@Enter-QA@Com

What do you mean when he said "it's real love!?" Most Scorpios don't make statements like that unless they're kidding around with someone or they truly mean it!. Scorpios take time to fall in love for real and very few don't!. But when they say "I love you," its sincere!.

If he said it kind of early, it might be playing with you to see if you are going to go along with it, but DON'T fall for it!.

By the way, most people don't think Aquariuses and Scorpios can work out in a relationship, but it did for me!. I'm a Scorpio myself and I dated an Aquarius!. Good times!.!.!. good times!.!.!. Just expect a rocky road later on, okay!? If you can make it threw that, the relationship will be very strong!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Can you explain by what you mean when you say "He thinks it's real love"!? Has he told you he loves you!? How long have you two been together!? Under what circumstances!? Perhaps he's playing you, because I think usually Scorpios take a longer time to express their feelings if they are actually in love with someone!.!.!. But I've also heard that usually when they say something, they mean it, so it could be true!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm a male aquarius that has had several scorpio lovers, they always end the same!. Hot and heavy sex for a couple of months, then burnout!. Enjoy it while it lasts!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I dont think thats a good idea!. He ll dump you after he gets what he wants from you!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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