Why is my ARIES ex-bf acting like this?? Please help!?!

Question: Why is my ARIES ex-bf acting like this!?!? Please help!!?
Me: 8/14/72, 9:05 AM, San Francisco, CA
Him: 3/21/79, !?, Crawfordsville, IN

We broke up 3 months ago!. It was devastating to me b/c he said he wanted "freedom"!. He didn't contact me for 2 of those months!. I tried to move on and not contacted him at all!. The last three weeks, he has been contacting me by text, email and phone!. Then this weekend, he said (drunkenly) that he still thinks about us and maybe we should try to get back together in "baby steps"!. I don't know what I should do!? My heart says "Yes!" but my head says "watch out!"!. According to the stars, what is happening!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

i don't think he's just looking for a piece of @$$!.!.!.but you def!. should watch out!.
aries are notorious for wanting what they can't have!. every aries i've ever been with or even known is like this!.!.!.they think they don't want to be with a girl!.!.!.and then as soon as she FINALLY moves on with her bad self!.!.!.he suddenly realizes MAYBE he wants to try again!. the thing is, once he gets what he thinks he wants (i!.e!. getting back together with the poor girl) he realizes that nothing has actually changed and they have the same problems that broke them up in the first place and then its only a matter of time before he repeats the same old break up routine!.!.!.or just acts like a jerk until she does!. and low and behold a month or so later he wants NOTHING more than to rekindle that old flame!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.again!.
honestly, he probably hasn't found someone who has captivated him since you, if he had, he likely would at LEAST have something occupying his mind enough to leave you alone!.

my advice!.!.!.you broke up for a reason!. he knows that!.!.!.but aries can't/don't like to be alone!. mine will even admit that! LOL i got lucky and happened to be the one that he really didn't want to let go!.!.!.no matter how many times i leave!. lol but thats a rare occurrence!.!.!.and he's a rare aries!.!.!.
if you think you can ease into things without letting yourself get too emotionally invested and you honestly think his heart is in the right place!.!.!.give it a try!.!.!.it could be worth it if it works out!. just be aware that he might just be wanting what he can't have!.!.!.and when he gets it, its possible he won't want it anymore!. ya know!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

All guys want freedom !.!.!. contact him telling him that you won't play that game unless he is bringing an engagement ring with him!.
Then let you set the date within the next year
He knows he was wrong and can't bring himself to say it!.
He will either run fast or realize that your only for a permanent relationship!.
I know Aries I am one too!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

He's an immature jerk and you deserve better! He had the chance and he lost it!. Too bad for him! However I sense a nice Virgo man in your future!. Give him a chance!. Though he doesn't catch your eye looks wise, he has a great body and is much MUCH cuter than you think!. He's had a crush on you for a long time and is a much nicer guy than this Aries jerk will ever be!Www@Enter-QA@Com

just because this is tooo simple to let slide!.!.!. this has nothing to do with zodiac signs!.!.!. he wants a piece of booty!. duh! how can you not see that!? And drunk dialing you on top of it is only an excuse to try to get a piece of booty!.

stars have nothing to do with this!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

He will waste more of your time!. Cut him off!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

He wants an easy piece with no TIES!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Aries is well known for having an appetite for sex!. Having said that the reason why he's been calling you is because he's probably "hungry"!. Unless you consider your love life to be a piece of meat, you probably shouldn't get back together with him!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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