Sagittarius and Pisces do they make good couples?!

Question: Sagittarius and Pisces do they make good couples!?
my parents were the same sign me and my husband are!.!.They are divorce now!.The reason I am asking cause I was joking with both my parents and they said everyone knows we ( the 2 signs ) aren't compatible

Just curious what you guys feel!.!.!.I love him and adore him no matter what anyone rights!.!.!. 13years strong so far!.!.!.Knock On Wood LOLWww@Enter-QA@Com

I'm a Pisces and my honey's a Sag!.!. let me tell u it's tough sometimes lol! But I don't care what anyone says, all it takes is a little compromising here and there to keep things smooth!.!.!. but I think that goes for any relationship ;)Www@Enter-QA@Com


Both of you have a strong imagination and must have a Dream to live for - the daily round of mundane existence would be too dull without it for either of you!. Idealistic and romantic at heart, you sympathize with one another's hopes and dreams and what other people might call impractical fantasies!. Both of you are essentially generous souls, you dislike pettiness, and you also dislike limitations (such as budgets, diets, schedules, etc!.)!.

There are many differences between you, though!. PISCES is receptive and somewhat passive compared to SAGITTARIUS, who has a lot of restless energy and more of a need to be physically active!. Since SAGITTARIUS's energy level is usually higher than PISCES's is, SAGITTARIUS can become impatient with PISCES's more relaxed pace!.

SAGITTARIUS is very straightforward, while PISCES is more subtle and often evasive!. also, PISCES is very sensitive and would never make some of the blunt statements that SAGITTARIUS makes!. SAGITTARIUS frequently wounds PISCES this way, quite unintentionally!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm a Pisces and I like Sagittarians a lot more than some other signs!. Both these signs like to laugh and enjoy personal freedom!. If you've been together 13 years there must be a lot of love and trust there!. Good going!.!.!.!.!.smile!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think that it's a very good match as long as Sagittarius doesn't hurt Pisces feelings, and Pisces pays more attention to Sagittarius than to themself!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No!. That will never work!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

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