How does your Venus effect your Sun?!

Question: How does your Venus effect your Sun!?
Im a modest virgo with a venus in scorpio which can sometimes give me problems cause i could be so prude at times but then My venus can make me So um!.!.passionate (lets just call it that) i can struggle sometimes cause of it
What is your venus and sun sign compare/contrast
does it work for you or just causes you grief!?!.!.lol
Note:if your not into astrology then simply dont answer!.your wasting my answer space *thanks*Www@Enter-QA@Com

Actually Virgo and Scorpio sextile each other, so they understand each other!.

Some things will rub Virgo the wrong way, and others won't!. It's all okay and appropriate!. If you want to be a prude sometimes, be a prude!.

Fu*k 'em if they can't take a joke!. You are who you are!.

Scorpio Sun/Capricorn Venus (prude/whore too!) :-)Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm a Scorpio Sun & Venus I guess i never thought of it as a struggle just being a Scorpio!. Here's what my birth chart says about venus in scorpio:
Venus in Scorpio

Sensual and passionate, she likes love, the act of making love!. Passionate loves, full of ardor and desire where the partner needs to be able to match her level or else recriminations will follow!. While being passionate, she is also jealous and possessive!.

Weaknesses: if disappointed or deceived in love, she can become bitter and odious!. She hates the person as much as she used to love!. Only jealousy can be as strong as hate!.

My Venus is conjunct my Sun & Mercury & MC!.!.!. all in Capricorn!. I speak quite well, and quite convincingly!. I also have a career as a graphic designer for magazines!. My designs are attractive, readable and persuasive!. Venus is about beauty & art & creativity, too!.!.!. don't pigeonhole it just into romance!.!.!.And I personally can be very charming and convincing in my speech and manner, I also make an excellent teacher!.!.!. because I can tune into people in a practical (Capricorn) way so I understand what they need to hear so they can learn!.!.!. My Venus in Cap conjunctions also serve me quite well when I am giving astrology readings!.!.!. it makes it easier to communicate and explain clearly!.!.!.

It does make me a little stiff in the romance department!. The practical streak in Capricorn does not suit Venus very well!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yeah I can relate I guess!. I have venus in cancer square mars in aries!.Lot of um!.!.!.tension!. The square actually isent that bad!. The ancients taught that the square was only bad if it was between planets that were debilitated!. Otherwise the ancients held the square as second to the trine!.

What IS bad is that I have sun in virgo, and moon in capriocorn!. I think the moon is the big problem!. Monn in capricorn is in its detriment and in the twelth house!. Moon is also square mercury (I rationalize my emotions alot), so basically my 'passions' are complicated by my emotional state and its even worse because I am always rationalizing my emotions!.

A good website that is not spam to check out is this one!.

im an aries sun and aries venus!.
so both the same lol!.
but i also find my moon sign (pisces) gets involved a bit!.
even though aries in relationships are very caring and loyal (that shocks most people) but i like my partner to be quite dominating in the relationship!. ofcourse i like my own way and i always get it, but i dont like actually controlling the relationship!.

i dunno really!.
i havent looked it up!.

I have both in Scorpio!.
Venus in Scorpio,unfortunately, is not a good thing because Venus is in detriment when it is in Scorpio!.!.!.in other words it means disappointments in love matters , obsession and extreme jealousy!. But on the bright side it means loyalty , passion and total devotion!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I don't have a Venus or a Sun!.!.!.where can I get some!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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