What does the quoted mean "x (something) is lamer than FDR's legs"?!


What does the quoted mean "x (something) is lamer than FDR's legs"?

i heard this on Family guy when Peter called his boss to give him an excuse to skip work and instead go to a baseball match with his family...

Peter: Mr.weed, i cant come to work today, i was in a terrible plane crash. my entire family was killed and i am a vegetable.

Brian: oh please peter your excuses are lamer than FDrs legs

[Meg, peter and chris all get surprized!]

Brian: too soon? [kinda sorry and embarrased]

and why does he "too soon" ... i assume this has a good story!


FDR had polio, and was unable to walk or feel his legs. The word "lame" not only means cheesy, but it also means crippled. It's kind of insensitive, just like this fake valentine on the internet with the Twin Towers on it labelled, "I'm falling for you." Pretty insensitive, or just plain hilarious, depending on who's reading it.

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