Star if you laughed...Irish medical terms.....?!

Question: * Rectum - Damn near killed 'em
* Cauterize - Make eye contact with her
* Barium - What you do after they die
* Pelvis - A cousin of elvis
* Urine - Opposite of your out
* Morbid - A higher offer
* Dilate - To live longer
* Enema - Not a friend
* Nitrates - Cheeper than day rates
* Bacteria - Back door of a cafe
* Caesarian Section - A neighbourhood in Rome
* Siezure - A roman emporor
* Artery - The study of paintings
* Cat scan - Searching for lost kitty
* Vein - Conceited
* Medical Staff - A doctors cane
* Tumor - An additional pair
* Terminal ilness - Getting sick at the airport
* Bowel - A-E-I-O-U
* Vericose - Nearby
* Iris - The cleaning lady
* Colon - A punctuation mark
* Navel - Ships and boats
* Capillary - The young life of a butterfly
* Humerous - Funny or amusing
* Noble gas - Conversation at a royal dinner
* Diaphragm - A technical drawing

Answers: * Rectum - Damn near killed 'em
* Cauterize - Make eye contact with her
* Barium - What you do after they die
* Pelvis - A cousin of elvis
* Urine - Opposite of your out
* Morbid - A higher offer
* Dilate - To live longer
* Enema - Not a friend
* Nitrates - Cheeper than day rates
* Bacteria - Back door of a cafe
* Caesarian Section - A neighbourhood in Rome
* Siezure - A roman emporor
* Artery - The study of paintings
* Cat scan - Searching for lost kitty
* Vein - Conceited
* Medical Staff - A doctors cane
* Tumor - An additional pair
* Terminal ilness - Getting sick at the airport
* Bowel - A-E-I-O-U
* Vericose - Nearby
* Iris - The cleaning lady
* Colon - A punctuation mark
* Navel - Ships and boats
* Capillary - The young life of a butterfly
* Humerous - Funny or amusing
* Noble gas - Conversation at a royal dinner
* Diaphragm - A technical drawing

O my, this is so funny I can not even bring myself to type because I am laughing out of control, my stomach hurts so much, I can not believe this. THis is my new joke!!!

Now would you please, pretty please answer my joke? It is just for a good laugh!!!;...;...;...


HEHE could also be Redneck jokes!! but there very funny

i didnt get it but give me best answer i gave u a star


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