How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?!

Question: concrete floors are hard to crack!

Answers: concrete floors are hard to crack!

Remove the shell. :)

Even if u drop a marble onto the concrete floor,the floor wouldn't crack...

good one!

um pretty easily

hmmmm. we had a science project in 3rd grade.. and u had to build a spaceship for the egg so when it is dropped from a ladder it wont crack when it reaches the ground... my eggy survived.. lol wow i cant believe i still remember that...?

also concrete floors dont crack...when an egg hits

good one

attach it to a parachute
cover it with foam
soak it in vinegar for a day
boit it before you drop it
place 3 foot thick foam on the landing area

Provided the force of impact doesn't exceed the strain limits of "it" (presumably the egg, but maybe the floor), it will not crack or break.

take the egg in your hand and let go of it.

concrete cant crack XD

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