Why are all woman named Liz total slappers?!

Question: Why are all woman named Liz total slappers!?
have you noticed!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

yeah, I've noticed, look at the queen!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm only answering to get 2 points, you need to get a life!.

Of course you've heard of Ivan the terrible haven't you!?

If you didn't have to pay women to be your 'friend' & took antibiotics then your surname would be redundant!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's a bit like a trained reaction like when you tell your pet to sit, it sits!.
Their slappiness arises maybe because they have that itchy thing in them that comes up whenever they hear the sound Liz pronounced!.!.!.

Maybe you attract that kind of girl and just coincidently more than one happened to be called Liz, I don't think you can generalise in that fashion there are many 'slappers' that have different names!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

I have an aunt called Liz and she is by no means a slapper - stop generalising - why are all men called Ivan idiots, have you noiced!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

It started with queen Elizabeth, now they all follow in her footsteps and further more, all Trishas are a bit slapperish too!!!!ha Www@Enter-QA@Com

i know some one called liz i went to school with her and she isn't a slapperWww@Enter-QA@Com

Strange you say that ,most of the liz people i know are like thatWww@Enter-QA@Com

AND boy-stealers!.Www@Enter-QA@Com


I only notice you are insulting persons you may not even knowWww@Enter-QA@Com

i know a couple of liz's and they are not slappersWww@Enter-QA@Com

no, not reallyWww@Enter-QA@Com

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