Seventeen and Cosmogirl?!

Question: Seventeen and Cosmogirl!?
i subscried to cosmogirl AND seventeen and now its about to expire, i want to order it online so is there a place to subscribe to them both with a discount!? not just one and one, like two in one thingWww@Enter-QA@Com

yes there is and here's how to do it go onto www!.seventeen!.com and the upper right hand corner it says subscribe, click that subscribe to another seventeen and then a new screen should pop up asking you if you want Cosmo girl, Marie Clare, etc a year worth for 5!.00 hope this helps ; )Www@Enter-QA@Com

If you subscribe to Cosmogirl! online, they will offer you Seventeen at a discount!. Same thing goes if you subscribe to Seventeen!. They offer you Cosmogirl at a discount!.

You can't get them both together online though!. What I would do is let both of them expire, and then send them a new card offering both magazines and subscribe all over again!.

look on something like magazines dot com or on thier own website they might have some discountsWww@Enter-QA@Com

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