Wizard of Oz hanging man question?!

Question: I've heard the rumor that a stage hand hung himself on the set of the Wizard of Oz and that they didn't find him until after they filmed the Tin Man scenes, so you can see his hanging body in the trees. I have tried to find this and I can't. Is this true? Is there really a dead man hanging in Wizard of Oz?

Answers: I've heard the rumor that a stage hand hung himself on the set of the Wizard of Oz and that they didn't find him until after they filmed the Tin Man scenes, so you can see his hanging body in the trees. I have tried to find this and I can't. Is this true? Is there really a dead man hanging in Wizard of Oz?

It's not true - it's an urban legend.

Check the source below for more information.

no, it's a legend.

No. This is a rumor. If you look carefully when the group meets the tin man and they start 'easing' down the yellow brick road, it looks like someone is getting hung. The truth is it is a crane that they used on the set to make the forest scenes look more 'forest-y'. The crane is far off in the distance and is bending down to eat or drink. At least that is the most accepted theory.

I definitely saw 'something' there but I can't quite make it out!

I heard it was true, It was the guy who was supposed to play the lion, the directors grandson, he hung himself behind the scenes so you could see the Shadow, but I'm sure they've took it out when it was discovered

No, it is not true. See the links below.
1. The scene your referring too at YouTube.
2. Snopes.com explanation

Not ture, not true, not true

yeah it is true i found the video it is on a website called jkcinema.com there is a lot of stuff there but you would want to click on The Urban Legends Series then click on Urban Legends 2: The Dead there would show the Wizard of Oz hanging but you have to watch the whole thing because i don't remember what part it was on but that is the web site you need to go to i hope i helped

no its not true, i have paused that scene so many times and i see nothing.

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